Interesting idea : folder performance

whenever i try to open up the media folder it takes about 20 seconds to load 600 images . im worried that in 10 years those 600 images will turn into 10 000 !!!

a solution is to make anki place those images in folders which contain a certain maximum number of images

so lets say make anki place a max of 30 images in a subfolder (call it subfolder 1 ) inside the directory

once subfolder 1 fills up, anki should create another subfolder in the directory. this time it’s called subfolder 2.

keep repeating.

by the end of this process, I should have 20 subfolders in the directory.

to solve the problem of having too many subfolders in the directory anki should recognize that there are too many, which will then prompt the action of creating sub-subfolder directory


















































































probs hard to implement but it vastly improved performance. i tried it manually

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What platform/OS? Most modern file systems accommodate huge amounts of files in in the same directory? It has to be something else.

Large folders only cause problems when you attempt to view a summary of their contents. Anki doesn’t do that, but you may do so if you’re browsing the files inside it. If your workflow involves reusing images across multiple cards, you can store your media files in a tree somewhere else on your computer, and select the files from there. If you select a file that is already in the media folder, Anki will not add a copy of it.

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To simplify file searching I suggest having the same amount of levels in all branches at any given moment and generating the subfolder names from the names of the files: so would become if we currently have 2 levels of subfolders.