Interactive card templates

I created two interactive card types one where you have to match the order of a random list of items(words, text, audio) with another random list. The items are separated by the pipe characther | . Another note type that gives a sentence with fill in the blank spaces and available options.

In both note types the available options are randomized and can exceed required number of items.

the first note type

The second note type.

The note types are available in the following deck.

reddit discussion


Do you have a Github repo?
Here are some requests:

  1. Fix the issue with copy-pasting spaces

  2. Make it so that Check = Show Answer

  3. Make the order persistent, so that clicking Show Answer doesn’t affect it

  4. Add a hint if the user got the answer wrong, so the the user knows what exactly he got wrong

  5. Make it so that the user can add extra answers to the second field.
    The third answer in the second list is extra, it’s just to make it harder to answer. If only 2 answers out of 3 are correct, I have to think extra hard, which is good

  6. Make images larger

EDIT: I’m talking specifically about ‘Match pairs’ note type.


@AnkiQueen Update

  1. Fix the issue with copy-pasting spaces, now it makes the card blank. Sorry, but I can’t consistently reproduce it, I’ll message you on Discord if I figure out

  2. Make it so that Check = Show Answer
    Fix duplicates (watch the attached video on imgur) and remove the Check button on the front side since it’s not needed anymore
    Anki bug - GIF on Imgur

  3. Make the order persistent, so that clicking Show Answer doesn’t affect it

  4. Add a hint if the user got the answer wrong, so the the user knows what exactly he got wrong Make the color scheme green-red instead of blue-red

  5. Make it so that the user can add extra answers to the second field

  6. Make images larger

  7. Fix the issue with overlapping text

  8. Make the default font size larger

  9. Copy-pasting the entire field fixes an issue where one of the elements in the list appears to have an extra space, but actually doesn’t. But only if I copy-paste it in the Notepad first, and the back into the first field.

  • I see that one of the elements in the first field appears to have an extra space
  • I go to Edit
  • I don’t see any extra spaces
  • I copy the contents of the first field
  • I paste them into Notepad
  • I copy them from Notepad
  • I paste them back into the first field
  • The card no longer shows an extra space
    I think it’s fixed. Probably. Maybe.
  1. If some elements in the second field are non-unique, it can lead to problems like this. Make it so that this counts as “correct” Turns out, this was a different issue, it’s about spaces

  2. I can’t preview these cards in the card browser

EDIT: Alright, I think all major (and easily reproducible) issues have been solved!

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Match Pairs

  1. Small visual issue: the text from the first field and the borders of the box where the answer (from the second field) goes overlap just a little bit sometimes.
  2. Make it so that the audio doesn’t play automatically, if it’s impossible to randomize the order in which audio files play.

Randomized Cloze:

  1. Add persistence, so that the sentence on the front is the same as on the back.
  2. Make it a Cloze. Blue color, click to reveal the answer, that kind of stuff.
  3. Add a separator (| or anything else).
  4. Upload it to AnkiWeb together with Match Pairs. It’s definitely interesting enough. Call it “Match Pairs and Randomized Cloze”. Idk about multiple choice, eh. I’d remove it

EDIT: call the AnkiWeb entry “Match Pairs and Randomized Cloze”. Add more examples. You can use these two gifs:
3 capitals

I finished all the changes. I will upload the deck in 24 hours it will be available.

github link GitHub - Vilhelm-Ian/Interactive_And_Randomize_Anki_Note_Types

  1. Randomized Basic doesn’t have persistence - the sentence is different after I press “Show Answer”
  2. For Click Words, remove Check Answers form the front. Tbh, I would remove it entirely and just make it Match Pairs + Randomized Cloze + Randomized Basic
  3. Delete this if you have this instead. Keep only one entry on AnkiWeb. No need for duplicates.
  4. I sent you a weird broken card.

For somereason the match pairs note type stopped working on ankidroid. Can’t figure out why. But it still works on ankiweb and desktop anki.

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found a fix. it seems ankidroid dosen’t handle nicely when there are two script tags