Awesome Note Types
- Focused on making Basic, Cloze and Image Occlusion stylish
- Edit or reply below a template that fits, they must have an image attached
Check out my other posts
GitHub and similar
Anki Prettify
- Download by eljamm: because it contains catppuccin in the prettify collection for easy download
- Ks4four made a lot of CSS variations
- Every Prettify theme has a Basic, Basic (Reverse) and Cloze
- Credits
- Currently Unmaintained
Catppuccin Machiato
Catppuccin Mocha
Image occlusion
Tools > Manage Note Type > Add:Image Occlusion > Cards, then replace the front and back with this Code
IKKZ Templates
Collection of customizable Anki templates, featuring Markdown format, GPT integration, larger question text, dark/light modes, countdown motivation, and support for multiple-choice, true/false, match, and basic Q&A formats
IKKZ Note types consists of:
- mcq : Multiple choice question (6 options)
- mcq_10: Multiple choice question (10 options)
- tf : True or false
- basic : Basic Q&A
- match : Drag and drop interactive matching
- zh: 中文
- en: English
- ja: Japanese
- native : The native Anki field
- markdown: With markdown support, but larger size
Cloze Note type in progress
Basic Native
Basic Markdown
Used Scrolling Capture to screenshot everything, to visualize, right click the image and open in a new tab
- Markdown Basic Syntax
- GFM Extended Syntax (GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec)
- Math Equation
- Mermaid Diagrams
Shared Decks
- They were found by searching “Template”
- type-in and multiple-choice question not included
Sleek and Modern Note Types
These are some sleek and modern note types that I use in my own decks. They have some idiosyncratic tendencies, considering that I use them all for very slightly different things. I’ve left them named what they are in my deck - things like “Math - cloze” and “Biology - Basic”. The “Math” note types generally work a little better with LaTeX than some of the others, though it’s based on my personal preferences.
Simple Card Templates and Note Types
Better Designed Card Templates
The card templates in this deck are designed just a little bit better. They’re simple and fit seamlessly with Anki’s defaults. But I tweaked them according to design best practices to be more pleasant and readable across platforms.
There are ten notetypes, five basic and five cloze: one each in a serif font, a sans-serif font, and a font that’s better for equations. In addition, there are notetypes specifically for coding, both with and without space to type answers.
Anki Minimalist Theme
Language Learning Shared Decks
Japanese Mining Deck Template (Animecards)
Japanese Calligraphy Inspired TEMPLATE Vocab Sentence Cloze
Memrise cards [template]
This card template recreates the Memrise interface to make Anki more accessible for ex-Memrise users and everyone else, who finds default Anki cards too intimidating. The functionality includes type-in and multiple-choice questions (with plain and formatted text, images, animated gifs, etc.), automatic answer grading with card’s full-info screen after answer submission, the option to specify alternative answers for each card, audio questions with interactive buttons, on-screen keyboard with the hint button, and more. All Anki apps – desktop, Android, and iOS – are currently supported (with few non-breaking differences in appearance and functioning on the latter):
Note Types that get auto updated
AnKing Note Types (Easy Customization)
This add-on allows easy customization of the AnKing Note Types.
Ankizin Notetypes - ehem. ProjektAnki
Based on Anking Note Type
Only Cloze
Enhanced Cloze (for Anki 2.1)
Cloze notes are very powerful for spaced repetition softwares like Anki. This add-on along with the attached note type aims to improve Anki’s mechanism of displaying clozes and offers great features for better user interaction.
Flexible cloze 2
Reimplementation of Flexible cloze Anki addon to handle nested clozes avalable from Anki 2.15.56 as well as remove lesser used features for easier maintenance. FC2 (GitHub) is a configurable cloze note type for keeping related information (and cards) on the same note.
Clzz Card Type
A humble improvement for cloze elements.
- Enhanced Cloze Display: Instead of the traditional bracketed ellipses (…) to indicate clozes, this card type utilizes a blurring effect to obscure the answer. This approach provides a cleaner aesthetic and avoids accidental answer revelation through the blur effect.
- Contextual Information: To aid in recalling the context of a question, the card type prominently displays the deck name at the top of each card.
Markdown Note types
Markdown Support | Tables, Code Highlighting, Math, Darkmode
This plugin will add two new card types : “KaTeX and Markdown Basic (Color)”, “KaTeX and Markdown Cloze (Color)”. That will give good support for basic and cloze cards that contain markdown including math and code. It provides several improvement / features compared to the original. Among other things, support of: colored clozes, clozes in code, darkmode suport, custom user styling,
Anki X Markdown X MindMap
Markdown and KaTeX Support
This Add-on will add two new Notetypes, Basic and Cloze, that have inbuild Markdown and KaTeX support.
GitHub Markdown
This addon allows you to create cards using Markdown. It will use the GitHub API, which means you can use GitHub CSS to style your cards. For this, you can use our card styles or create yours.
Freshness - Randomize CSS styles
Add-on to randomize specific CSS styles for each card to add some freshness to your study and possibly prevent you from memorizing the “shape” of a quesiton and answering based on that instead of memorizing the actual content.