๐Ÿ˜Ž Awesome Multiple Choice Questions

:sunglasses: Awesome Multiple Choice Questions

This Wiki focus on Multiple Choice Questions note types / templates

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:warning: Submission Rules:

  • Add link and image demonstrating the MCQ template in action
  • :inbox_tray: = Download
  • :abc: = Answers are in ABCDE format
  • :1234: = Answers are in binary 01 format
  • :recycle: = Answers are in list format
  • :coffee: = Donation/Sponsor

:warning: Warning

Multiple choice questions are not the most effective way to study. The reason they are commonly used in an academic setting is because they are easy to mark, and they allow the person studying to demonstrate their ability to recognize the correct answer, even if they canโ€™t produce it themselves.

When you need to pick from a selection of answers, it is easy to โ€œcheatโ€, as you can guess what the correct answer is if you know what the other displayed options are. When multiple choice tests are designed by humans, the test creator can create clever โ€œdistractorsโ€ that are similar to the correct answer, making it harder for you to guess. Computers are not so good at this.

If you are studying for a test and you have a sample test with a multiple choice questions, like the following:

Q: What animal has a really long neck?

A: 1. A monkey. 2. A giraffe. 3. A donkey. 4. A snail.

Then the recommended way to put that question into Anki is to drop the incorrect answers, turning it into a simple question/answer card instead:

Q: What animal has a really long neck?

A: A giraffe.

:jigsaw: Add-ons

:1234: Multiple Choice for Anki

Known Issues

:inbox_tray: Download

:recycle: Insert Randomized Lists

This addon allows you to create lists with the โ€œshuffleโ€ class, which combined with this script, serves to randomize these lists. Originally developed by Glutanimate, this version has been reformulated and updated for recent versions of Anki.
:inbox_tray: Download

:card_file_box: Note Type / Templates

:recycle: :black_joker: Card Template - Multiple Choice

:inbox_tray: Download

:abc: jasonlws/anki-addon-mcnt

:inbox_tray: Download

Memrise cards [template]

:inbox_tray: Download

:robot: GitHub

Navigate to โ€œReleasesโ€, then install the file containing .apkg

:abc: ikkz/anki-template

All of the templates have the following common features:

  • Markdown support: see here for details
  • After selecting text, you can directly click to ask gpt, search or translate the corresponding text, and customization is also supported
  • Support larger question text.
  • Support dark mode and light mode.
  • Countdown: Give you motivation to learn.
- mcq   : Multiple choice question (6 options)
- mcq_10: Multiple choice question (10 options)
- tf    : True or false
- basic : Basic Q&A
- match : Drag and drop interactive matching

- zh: ไธญๆ–‡
- en: English
- ja: Japanese

- native: The native Anki field
- markdown: With markdown support, but larger size

:inbox_tray: Download
:coffee: Sponsor

:abc: IKKZ Multiple Choice

:inbox_tray: Download
:coffee: Sponsor

  • Support hiding options to avoid potential answer hints
  • Support single choice and multiple choice.
  • Scrambled question options are restored after showing the answer.
  • Obvious answer markers.

IKKZ Match

Drag and drop interactive matching question template.
:inbox_tray: Download
:coffee: Sponsor

IKKZ True or False

True and False questions template.
:inbox_tray: Download
:coffee: Sponsor

:abc: muctebanesiri/anki-multiple-choise-question-template

:inbox_tray: Download

:recycle: rberenguel/ankiโ€“orderedโ€“multi-choice

:inbox_tray: Download

:1234: ankified/InteractiveAnki

:inbox_tray: Download

Other Languages

:brazil: Multipla Escolha - 5 Opรงoes

Option 1 will always be the correct answer when you make the card, but it automatically shuffles when you review it. Works with 2, 3, 4 or 5 options. You can add colors and images

:art: CSS

Manually have to alter the Front, Back and styling of the card




Multiple Choice Note Type

Configuration: Tools -> Add-ons -> Select "Multiple Choice Note Type" -> Config

isShuffle (bool):

  • true: The list of choices is displayed in a shuffle order.
  • false (default): The list of choices is displayed in a fixed order.

My mcq template: GitHub - ikkz/anki-templet

or https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1939456021

  • Support single choice and multiple choice.
  • Support larger question text.
  • Scrambled question options are restored after showing the answer.
  • Obvious answer markers.
  • After selecting text, you can directly click to search or translate the corresponding text
  • Countdown: Give you motivation to learn.


This stuff is top notch man! Thanks!