Add-on Megathread
How to suggest an add-on: [Add-on](link) [Add-on Code]
- Works in latest version*
- Should not conflict with other add-ons
*Not every add-on has been verified to work with the latest version, if the add-on haven’t had negative reviews recently, then will consider as working, please report any broken add-ons below to remove from this list
- = Recommended
- = Offers In-App Purchases (Subscriptions)
- = Requires setup to the note type or add-on
- = Facilitates making cards with PDFs
- = Brazilian Portuguese add-on
- AnkiHub [1322529746]: Allows integration with AnkiHub, some decks include:
- Anking Steps: Based on many popular step decks such as BlueGalaxies Zanki Deck, Lolnotacop, Zanki Step 2, Cheesy Dorian, and MedicalArk
- Anking MCAT: Based on Miledown, Abdullah, Coffin, and MrPankow
- (Free) Dermki: Based on the textbook Review of Dermatology by Alikhan and Hocker
- ErreAnki: Focado em Revalida e Residência, baseado em Diretrizes oficiais das Sociedades Brasileiras e do Ministério da Saúde, UpToDate, Dynamed e EvidenceUpdates
- AnkiCollab - The free collaboration Platform [1957538407]
- Ankimon (by Unlucky-life) [1908235722]
- Review Heatmap [1771074083]
- Anki Killstreaks - Reward Medals for Correct Answers (Fixed by Shigeඞ) [1562475180]
- Anki Leaderboard - Compete with friends to boost motivation (Fork by Shigeඞ) [175794613]
- Progress bar - Visualize reviewed cards and remaining (Fixed by Shigeඞ) [1708250053]
- Pomodium - The best pomodoro/To-do-list add-on for Anki [678094152]
- Pokemanki Gold - Raising Pokemon with Anki (Customized by Shigeඞ) [1677779223]
- Answer visual + auditory + custom text reinforcement [976516370]
- Hitmarkers [1776869150]
- Life Drain [715575551]
- AnkiCraft [368161874]
- Pomodoro [155786168]
- Custom Background Image and Gear Icon [1210908941]
- ReColor [688199788]
- Anki Redesign - Make Anki Cool Design (Fixed by Shigeඞ) [1959668791]: Same functionality as ReColor
- Deck Browser CSS [153779542]
- Deck icons [1519592143]
- Change Interface Font [1431333984]
- Rearrange home addons (Created by Shigeඞ) [1797615099]
- Pular parabens / Skip congratulations [1866788675]
Adds stat elements to the main screen
- More Overview Stats 2.1 [738807903]
- More Decks Stats and Time Left [1556734708]
- More Stats During Review [1008566916]
- See Previous Card Ratings in Reviewer [1906641654]
- Study Time Stats [1247171202]
- Enhance main window (Customized by Shigeඞ) [911023479]
- Decks Stats [198031496]
- Countdown To Events and Exams [1143540799]
- Deadliner: Deadline Countdown for Exams [1560797112]
- Exam Notifier [236593452]
- Deadline2 [1143540799]
- Better Search [1052724801]
- Advanced Browser [874215009]
- Highlight Search Results [225180905]
- Fastbar- with nightmode support [46611790]
- Colorful Tags (+ Hierarchical Tags) [594329229]
- Auto-refresh browser [746398558]
- Anki Note Linker [1077002392]:
- Note Size - sort notes by size and see collection size [1188705668]
- Fast cards reposition with Alt+arrow keys [544982740]
- Deck duplication [1779572689]
Adds extra features that make it easier to create cards
- extended editor for field (for tables, search&replace, …) [805891399]
- Symbols [1461102936]: Crtl/Cmd + S to add symbols
- AJT Media Converter / WebP, AVIF [1151815987]: WebP and quality: 85% are optimal
- remove linebreaks / do word wrap [2028179508]
- nbspRemove [1676672391]
- Mini Format Pack [295889520]
- Add Table [1237621971]
- Extended Tag Add/Edit Dialog [1135507717]
- Symbols As You Type [2040501954]
- Add Hyperlink [318752047]
- Cross-Field Highlighter - spotlight word in text [1312127886]
- Clickable Tags [1739176371]
- Edit Field During Review (Cloze) [385888438]
- Editor Live Preview [1960039667]
- The KING of Button Add-ons [374005964]
- Advanced Review Bottom Bar [1136455830]
- Web Browser - Search terms, Import texts and images automatically [864545277]
- Color Confirmation [1084228676]
- Directly review, without going through overview page [1024346707]
- No Space Dash-Prevents answer for 1.5 seconds (Fixed by Shigeඞ) [1573867049]
- Break Timer - After 10 cards, take a 3 minute break (Created by Shigeඞ) [174058935]
- Today Again Count ★★★●●●:diamonds: (Created by Shigeඞ) [50293437]
- No Distractions Full Screen (Fixed by Shigeඞ) [1370336700]
- Coloca os Cards mais errados em um novo Deck [411716914]
- Criar Deck a partir de Tags (sem ser filtrado) [1333315411]
- Mostrar quantidade de acertos e erros na Revisão e Suspender certos [752880974]
Language Learning
- HyperTTS - Add speech to your flashcards [111623432]
- AwesomeTTS - Add speech to your flashcards [1436550454]
- Google Translate [1536291224]
- Copycat Importer (AnkiApp/AnkiPro) [2072125761]
- Quizlet to Anki 2.1 Importer with audio support [1362209126]
- Adicionar varios cards com delimitadores [1441144403]
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Anki Terminator V2 - ChatGPT Sidebar for Reviewer (Created by Shigeඞ) [1468920185]
- AnkiBrain (AnkiChatGPT) - GPT-4, GPT 3.5 with auto-cards and document analysis [1915225457]
- Smart Notes - AI Notes & TTS with ChatGPT-4o, Claude, ElevenLabs, etc [1531888719]
- Zoom for Anki24 - Keep zoom level after reboot (Fixed by Shigeඞ) [1923741581]
- Contanki - Controller Support for Anki (beta) [1898790263]
Add-ons that do not fit into the specified categories
- add-on dialog search/filter bar [561945101]
- AnkiCord - Discord Rich Presence (Customized by Shigeඞ) [933207442]
- Special Fields add-on [1102281552]
- Syncing addon configs between devices [60290354]
- Always On Top - permanently keep Anki as top (Fixed by Shigeඞ) [1045980020]
- TidyAnkiBear - Select and hide Anki menu bar items (Created by Shigeඞ) [906950015]
Userful for developers
- AnkiRestart - Quick Anki Rebooter, for Customize & Develop (Created by Shigeඞ) [237169833]
- AnkiWebView Inspector [31746032]
- Readable Addons folders [5720472]
- Custom Debug Info - for Development (Created by Shigeඞ)
- Meta json Formatter
- Addon Bug Detector - Save and Load Enable Add-ons [179790125]