January 28, 2025, 5:42pm
This template is inspired by this post on the Anki forums and offers a better user experience along with additional features, such as Markdown support. For more details and download, please refer to ikkz Template Playground
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I added the repo to the readme
This deck is designed to make flashcard review a more active process, aiding in the learning of concepts that are difficult to distinguish (e.g., stalactite vs. stalagmite) and preventing rote memorization based on question shape rather than content. It uses randomization for each note type to help you recall information in real-life situations, not just in Anki.
# Match Pairs
Supports audio, images, and text. Items should be separated by the pipe operator (|). You can include more items on the back of the card than on the front to increase difficulty.
Use this note type to:
- Learn similar concepts that are hard to differentiate.
- Improve listening skills by recognizing minimal pairs. For example did the speaker say "tar" or "car".
- Practice [chunking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunking_(psychology)) concepts together (e.g., bones of the hand, Balkan capitals, planets in the solar system).
- Recognize images (e.g., tortoise vs. turtle, radial bone vs. ulnar bone).
# Randomized Basic & Randomized Cloze
These note types let you write multiple questions about the same fact. Each time you encounter the note, a random question will be selected. Separate sentences with the pipe operator (|).
- Who wrote The Hobbit | What is the name of the author of The Hobbit | Who was the author of The Hobbit?
- The complication with the highest mortality from measles is {{c1::pneumonia}} | Most fatal cases from measles result from {{c1::pneumonia}} | {{c1::Pneumonia}} is the deadliest complication from measles.
# Click Words
This cloze-style card provides possible choices to complete sentences, making grammar exercises more manageable. For instance, to practice the present continuous tense, you might have a sentence like "Today I am [...] tennis.". The issue with the sentence there are too many correct answers (playing, studying, done through) having choices provided to you (e.g., playing, played, plays) helps control the difficulty level.
# Other peoples note types
- [Puzzle Sentences](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1522392024)
- [Interactive card template from cjdduarte](https://forums.ankiweb.net/t/interactive-flashcard-template-with-drag-and-drop-feedback/48977)
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