Inquiry Regarding Predictive Text Feature on Touch Bar

I have been using anki on my Mac recently. I am trying to utilize the predictive text feature on the Touch Bar for English input while using the application. However, I’ve noticed that the predictive text options are not appearing on the Touch Bar when I am using anki, whereas this feature works as expected in other applications.

I have checked the settings within anki but was unable to find any options related to enabling predictive text on the Touch Bar. Is this feature available in anki, and if so, are there specific settings required to enable it?

I would greatly appreciate your guidance on this matter. Additionally, if this feature is not currently available, I would be grateful to know if there are any plans to include it in future updates.

I look forward to your response.

Warm regards,

There is no such feature, likely also due to Anki‘s technical foundations. Apple has removed the Touch Bar from its lineup, so I wouldn’t expect applications starting to support it in the future.

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