Inconsistent Multipliers?

Hello team, I’ve been tweaking some of the custom study options, but seem to get inconsistent multipliers on cards within the same deck.

These are my options:

Now, on one card (intervall 12) this yields the following, which is roughly in line with my expectations:

However, on another card (intervall 25) the good multiplier internally seems to be different:

Any idea what could be the cause?

Kind regards, Alex

Are you using the previous v3 scheduler or FSRS? If you’re using FSRS then those settings would have no effect on the button intervals and it’s the FSRS values that should be examined.

If you’re using v3, then could you show the card ease values for those two cards? I think the ease for the other card could be much higher.
In the card browser > right click on the card > Info.

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If you want to work out SM-2 button intervals, you need all the pieces of the puzzle – current interval, options intervals, and current ease – What spaced repetition algorithm does Anki use? - Anki FAQs . Looking at the Card Info will be essential.

There shouldn’t be a difference between the v2 and v3 schedulers though – just the SM-2 vs. FSRS algorithms.