As you can see have an odd occurrence with my good button being 1 min with my hard and again being my normal (learning steps).
For reference, this is a premade (poorly) in house exam deck so I have 3 learning intervals. (other better deck has 1 as recommended and no issues)
May change this after using FSRS a bit more but just switched from SM2.
This should be a simple fix of re-doing intervals for some reason mine went from 5 min 30 min 1 hr to 5 min 30 min 1min. - change this back to 1h and fixed. thought it would be good to post for others that may have had a similar experience and not as anki savvy.
- If anyone has thoughts (scientific or not) on a better interval range I am all ears (for this deck I think 2/3 learning steps is good for exams every 5-10 days).