Exporting anki deck as colpkg by default leads to situation as mentioned above, although one of the solutions would be changing the default to apkg, it might lead to situations where the user export their scheduling info which is on by default
instead of that, importing colpkg prompt should have an option to preserve the local deck, not substitute everything if the user desires
Replace the current deck (removes all your local collection)
Adds the importing deck (Does not remove your local collection)
currently the prompt is:
This will delete your existing collection and replace it with the data in the file you’re importing. Are you sure?
If this is not feasible, replacing “Yes” with something like “Replace” would help. People are more attentive when they see words like delete/replace/remove.
Changing the default to .apkg, might lead to users to send decks with their scheduling information
Users don’t know the difference between .colpkg and .apkg, so they go with the default .colpkg
the way .colpkg is handled is harmful because it could replace everything the user has created so far, the warning is not enough and could provide with better options such as either adding a new deck or replacing everything
Fyi: qt/aqt/import_export/importing.py has a function askUser(), defined in qt/aqt/utils.py. If you decide to edit the button text to something like “replace”, these files should be the place to edit if I’m not mistaken.