Import duplicate handling

I’m importing a vocabulary list which contains many duplicates.

I’d like to avoid updating the existing duplicates (I would like to add a new tag to the existing notes though). After importing id like to update the due for everything I haven’t learnt yet in the vocabulary list (including the duplicates I already had notes for) so these schedule before my other existing unlearnt cards.

What’s the easiest way to do this?

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I have done this by importing the cards (with all tagged with NEW), keeping duplicates, then doing some searches in the card browser to

  1. Find all duplicate notes and add duplicate tag (notes->find duplicates)
  2. Delete cards with tags duplicate+NEW (tag:duplicate tag:NEW)
  3. Reposition all new cards tagged either duplicate or NEW (card:[card type] (tag:NEW or tag:duplicate) is:new)
  4. Remove duplicate tag (tag:duplicate)
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