Import deck created w ankiapp on iphone into ankimobile on same iphone

Totally new to Anki. I have both AnkiApp and AnkiMobile installed on my iphone. I have created a deck using AnkiApp on my iphone. I have no idea where that deck “is” – wherever AnkiApp puts it.

Now I want to work with that same deck using the AnkiMobile app that’s installed on the same iphone. AnkiMobile indicates that I have zero decks. Clicking Synchronize in AnkiMobile doesn’t add that deck. I haven’t had any luck using Add/Export in AnkiMobile either.

Sincere thanks in advance for your help! It’s awesome that there are kind people out there willing to help newbies!

I’m afraid there’s no easy way to move data between them: AnkiApp is not part of the Anki ecosystem - Frequently Asked Questions

Many thanks Damien, that was a huge help. I’m set to go!