Images are not displayed on iPhone


When I do screenshots and put them in Anki on Windows they are not displayed on iPhone. I already checked the settings if syncing images is on and I tried to convert them as png but nothing helped.

Can someone please help me?
I would be very grateful.

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Please make sure media has finished syncing on both your computer, and then your phone: Media files may take time to sync - Frequently Asked Questions

I did this. Still the same problem.

The media appears to be on AnkiWeb. Do the images appear when you review with AnkiWeb? Can you give me an example card that is failing to show images, so I can look it up?

Yes, after I click upgrade to scheduler mode or something like that. The images appear on ankiweb. But they don’t on normal windows anki (only in the edit deck mode) and on iPhone: (screenshots here)

The problem is you are using a ‘type-in-the-answer’ notetype, and images are removed from the field that’s typed in, as you can’t type images in. If you don’t want to type in text, you can select your notes and use the Change Notetype action in the Browse screen to change your notes to the ‘Basic’ notetype instead. If you do want to type in text, you’ll need to put your images in a different field from the text you want to type in.

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