Image Occlusion Cloze Deletion or Empty Cards Tool Not working

So I am facing Multiple problems and questions, All of them are listed below.

  1. Once I create a close in an image occlusion (or whatever its called) I am unable to completely delete the image cloze, as an error, it says to add a close deletion, or empty cards tools. Cloze deletion I cannot select, while I cannot find empty Cards tools
    2.When editing an existing image cloze, most of the times It wont reflect the deck, I do not know the cause of this, and its persistence can wary from 4 tries (of editing the close) to days to never able to edit. I am forced to Delete the close, and add a new one. Also, When writing text on an image, the text tends to shrink, compared to when editing.
  2. The backups in both my phone(ankidroid) and laptop does not work. It is supposed to update backups frequently and delete backups over 2 days old(as far as I know), instead in my laptop I have backups dating from day one of download, and the last backup was a couple months ago(leading me to loose 100+ cards). Is there a way to increase frequency of auto-backups?
  3. And last but not least, a very important exam of mine is approaching in less than a week. I have a lot of flashcards to review, over 50% new, and 35% young (terrible ik). Am I supposed to increase learning and relearning steps? or decrease them, also kindly do recommend some other tips for this situation (and another situation supposing the exam is within 30 days). I have 150+ Cards

By The way, am urgent on time, any attempt at an answer is greatly appreciated! thank you!


  1. Empty tools can be found in Tools > Empty Cards in the main window
  2. Auto-refresh browser may help. Are you using Image Occlusion Enhanced or the native Image Occlusion note type? Because in the native note type, you can resize the text box
  3. Tools > Preferences > Backup
  4. Use Filtered Decks / Settings for using Anki to prepare for a large exam - Anki FAQs

I’m not entirely sure I follow your description, tbh.

Are you trying to add a cloze to an image occlusion card? Or vice-versa? Not all note types support cloze-deletions, which sounds like it may be at least part of the underlying issue presenting itself here.

On desktop: Anki - Preferences - Backups. The option menu there will let you select how often, and how many, backups are made.

The menu path will be slightly different on mobile, but the same basic routine suffices

You’re not inherently supposed to do much of anything with learning steps, tbh. You set them to whatever you want them to be and that’s what they are. A looming test date doesn’t change that math, necessarily.

Get to crackin’

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  1. Thanks! it worked out
  2. I use image occlusion native, i tried adding enhanced to trouble shoot but it wasnt usefull to me so i stuck with native.
  3. Yes, i saw that, anki does not stick to the settings that i set(or its default) (for backups)
  4. I believe i have read it before (maybe another similar page). Thank you i will check it out! if you have any personal reccomendations (or if you wanna help me out with tldr :sob: ) kindly do share.
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anki doesnt stick with the settings for backup

I don’t quite understand, do I set them to whatever I want or do I not change it? :skull: Are you perhaps saying that you cant optimize retrieval for a shorter scale of time? Im pretty sure anki settings are made for medium-long term retrieval. There probably is a better way for a shorter scale of time (I belive)

Yessir :saluting_face:

Learning steps aren’t meant to be adjusted based on a specific time horizon. You can adjust them, if you want, and they may have some effect on improving retention but it’s not something you reactively juggle one way or the other with an impending exam date.

Ultimately, doing Anki every day and using FSRS are your big guns. Tinkering with learning steps isn’t likely to be the best use of your time in terms of moving the needle on retention, in the grand scheme of things. If you want to change them you can. The effect size may be small, if at all, on the timeline you’ve stated.

Juice = unlikely to be worth the squeeze

I see, this is an eye opener, Ive spent hours trying to optimize learning steps(and other settings) with the help of chatgpt and seeing user manual…Do you reccomend to activate FSRS? I have not yet done so. I believe you have to configure it after activating it? or you can optimize it?

Turning on FSRS is an easy ‘yes’ recommendation, for sure. Turn on, optimize, let it work its magic.

You can tinker with learning steps, but if you’re 30-days out I would let sleeping dogs lie. It’s not likely to produce a massive net change in that timeline, and not worth fretting about. Certainly not worth the trade-off for any meagre benefit if you’re spending, or have spent, hours fiddling with it.

I have just brushed through a couple blogs from expertinium and an article from junyao ye(L-M Sherlock). It seems like FSRS does not have significant effect on the short term, and can disrupt existing cards a bit in the start. Feelings are a bit mixed because the intrevals may be pushed, especially right now since I need max retreival.

There are very few true flashcard emergencies, so sometimes you’ll just need to stay calm and wait for an answer. While you’re waiting, it’s never necessary (or productive) to bump a bunch of other threads to get attention for yours.

First, the backups don’t sync between devices – each install makes and stores its own backups locally. You can see how unusual it would be for both of your installs to not be working.

Second, your system keeps a lot more backups than the past 2 days, as you can see from looking at the Preferences screen already referenced. You’ve got multiple devices, so if you’re keeping them in sync, there’s no reason why you would be losing cards.

I suspect that on both devices you are looking in the wrong place for your backups. So, for Windows and Android – where are you’re looking and finding only old backups?

You’ve waited until the last minute, so there’s not a whole lot that Anki or spaced repetition can do to save you now. You don’t need to adjust any settings, you just need to study, and primarily that means cramming, mass repetition, seeing your cards as often as you can with the time you have left. You only have 150 cards, so you shouldn’t have trouble studying all of them.

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My bad, Its just that this exam is very critical for my future, and ill be needing as much help I can get. Was a bit desperate, wont happen again.

So the backstory is, I was infected with a virus, and was forced to delete anki (by malware protection), but didn’t think much of it due to backups.

I got infected on 27th, as you can see, the intrevals seem random, and I lost all the cards that I added between 27 - 25. Just saw the new backups, seems to be working fine now. I am not sure on ankidroid as am not familiar with where the backups are being stored.

Fair enough, would you recommend turning on FSRS? (I know you said it wasn’t important to tinker settings but @brainravens strongly recommended it.)

Yes, it’s a superior scheduling algorithm, so it will be beneficial eventually. But I don’t think you’ll be getting much use out of it in the next week, since you should be focused on Filtered deck/Cramming studying of all of your cards [see the links from NameLessGO above], or at least the ones you haven’t studied yet, got wrong yesterday, got wrong several times, etc. It won’t really matter when your cards are scheduled.

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Alright! thanks for the help Danika, @NameLessGO @brainravens and others!

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