I need HELP with Anki

I have created Basic Decks. They were working fine until I logged into Anki Web and they synced together. Now ALL my decks are set up giving me answers first as the front of the card, and the back of the card is the questions. Which I don’t like. I can’t find the email /Number for Tech support or other material that covers any information on how to fix it. I have gone to Browser and left-click for options, However, there is nothing on there that helps. Change “NOTE type” just adds a note on card type but doesn’t change. If anyone has this problem please let me know how you fixed it. Thank you

Edit > Cards > Flip (or change the fields manually)

Note that this change will affect ALL cards using the same note type.

I have tired doing the flip and it doesn’t work. I select all and most of the time it doesn’t give me option. If I try one card at a time in the deck it gives me an error message. Therefore , I have it select a flash card and click the down arrow and change it. One at a time. Which there is just too many per deck and many decks to change. So trying to find a solution :disappointed:

Have a great day!

In the Browse screen, select one card that has the problem. Click the Cards button in the editing area. Click the flip button, and observe the front and back preview have been reversed. When you save, all cards of that notetype will be updated at once.

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