I can see audio and image on Desktop but not IOS nor ankiweb

Please help, I have not idea what’s going on. I’m studying Japanese with Anki and I Voracious for sentence mining (basically a video player that helps create sentence cards with image and audio).

Recently I installed MPV with a script called MPVacious, that more or less does the same thing as Voracious. I set the script to generate jpg and mp3 from a video I’m watching and add them to my sentence cards just like Voracious does.

The issue is that I can’t see the media on Ankiweb at all. Just the note but the snapshot and the audio files appear missing. Now, here’s what I don’t understand. The files are present inside my collection.media and I can study the card normally on the desktop app. It’s just that for some reason they’re not sent to ankiweb. And this only happens with media files generated with MPVacious, manually created cards and Voracious cards work just fine. What’s going on?

The first explanation to consider is that the files haven’t synced yet. That would explain why you can see them on your desktop, but not on AnkiWeb or AnkiMobile. Media files may take time to sync - Anki FAQs

Next – what are the files and how is Anki calling them?

  • What do you see in your fields in the Browse window?
    • For the images, presumably you can see the image in the field?
    • For the audio, is it an Anki [sound:...] tag? Or something else?
  • Look at the underlying HTML view of the fields – click < > above the field. What is there for images? For audio?

You appear to be using a very old version of desktop Anki. Is there a reason for that?

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Thanks for the help. I have checked that the syncing process is over. I’ve tried syncing another card alongside the ones causing the issue. The other ones sync and work normally on ankiweb and the IOS app when the syncing process is over. The MPVacious one, though, doesn’t work.

As for the file names, MPVacious creates the image and the sound name based on the name of the video I’m using to generate the snapshot and the audio.

The video I’m using for testing is named “s01e01”
The snapshot generated is named “s01e01_02m08s044ms.jpg”
The audio is “s01e01_02m08s030ms_02m11s510ms.mp3” and it is using the Anki tag inside the card → [sound:s01e01_02m08s030ms_02m11s510ms.mp3]

The Voracious files (that do work) are using different names like:
This files work on the desktop app, Ankiweb and the IOS app using the same exact Note type with the files within the same corresponding fields.

Both the image and the audio generated by MPVacious can be seen normally on the desktop app, but not ankiweb or the IOS app.

This the HTML for the front of the card:


{{^Audio on Front}}

{{/Audio on Front}}

{{#Audio on Front}}{{#Audio}}{{Audio}}{{/Audio}}{{/Audio on Front}}

{{#Audio on Front}}{{^Audio}}

{{/Audio}}{{/Audio on Front}}

This is the one for the back:


{{#Audio on Front}}{{Audio}}

{{/Audio on Front}}


{{^Audio on Front}}

{{/Audio on Front}}

{{^Audio on Front}}

{{/Audio on Front}}

{{#Audio on Front}}

{{/Audio on Front}}

{{^Audio on Front}}{{Audio}}{{/Audio on Front}}

The images go into “meaning-field” and the audio into “Audio”. There’s also a bunch of JS code so that this note type called “Migaku Japanese” works with an addon called “Migaku Japanese Support”. I don’t know if the note type is the issue, though, since it works fine with Voracious and even if I manually introduce an image.

The reason I’m suck on version 2.1.35 is that my study workflow depends on old addons like the one I mentioned as well as using Voracious wich only supports an older version of Ankiconnect.

Aside from that, I’m also using Anki as a portable version, running it with the .bat file as explained in the documentation.

There’s no file with ‘s01’ in your media on AnkiWeb. Please confirm the file exists in your local media folder. If it does, you can try logging out, then syncing again, which will force the sync to rescan all of your media. Please monitor the sync log and wait until it reports a successful completion, then check again to see if the card works on AnkiWeb.

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I’ve found the solution. Thanks to everybody that tried to help me. I’ll write it here for the archive.
As I mentioned before I’m using anki portable. However, the removable disk I was running it from was formatted in exFAT. As the documentation mentions, NTFS is preferred and FAT formats could cause errors. I seem this is one of those. Syncyng on the PC itself returns no errors and the media syncs flawlessly.

However, I still would like to know why the files I create with Voracious sync normally and only the ones created with MPVacious seem to be affected. If anyone has an answer for that, please do let me know.

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