I am looking for broken add-ons in the latest Anki. by Shige

There are already some add-ons with similar functionality you might want to check out, for example: Fast Word Query 3 - AnkiWeb


I already developed such an add-on. It is possible to add up to 10 Google Images to one note by pressing a button on the editor or reviewer, and bowse can add images in batches of up to about 100 notes per day. In the future I plan to optimize it for language learning (For example, adding audio, definitions, etc.).

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Free Google Custom Search API and Google Search Engine ID are required.

iirc you can use Bing search without those. That developer of Jidoujisho that I talked about informed me that using Google complicates the process. Also, my personal opinion, Bing image search is just better. Google shows a lot of low quality images for me.

That would be great. + adding sentences from tatoeba/reverso/massif for japanese.

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It is possible, but collecting images without using the API is prohibited by the search sites. They make it impossible to do so, so Add-ons frequently break and require complex code to get around the restrictions.

So using the API makes the add-ons less likely to break, easier to maintain, and if you pay for the API, you can download unlimited numbers of images.

I also tried Bing, but my desired images did not show up in the search results.
I would like to add them in the future.

How long without a reply before you would fix it? I want to bother you as little as possible so I would like to know when I can ask you to take a look again.

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All information about the Add-ons I tried to repair is on the Patreon page (Successful, still in process, very difficult, will not repair). This is a Patreon page, but you should be able to view and comment on it for Free.

If you donā€™t see the add-onā€™s name here I may not have looked it up yet or may have forgotten, so please try contacting me again.

Sorry I didnā€™t specify. I was talking about the language keyboard switcher. Danika_Dakika linked to the page about it on this thread

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Oh, I see.
To be frank, since this Add-on has a rating of 0, I consider it to be in no demand at all. So itā€™s on my task list, but mostly at the tail end.

By the way, my priorities for Add-ons development are roughly like this.

High priority

  • I want to use it for my learning
  • Relevant to the game
  • It is popular
  • Has a lot of low ratings (high demand)

Conversely, these are lower in my development priorities

  • Extremely popular (Probably someone will fix it)
  • Only 1 or 2 ratings (no one is interested)

Can you repair the option in the LifeDrain Custom version (the repaired version by you) for the Default initial life is 0?

I want it to start at 0 and go back to full only when I press recover. But when I press recover, nothing happens.

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Hmm, perhaps I feel like I developed it, but I donā€™t remember much anymore.
The author of LifeDrain is very active in development, so try sending a request through Github.

Good Morning Shigeyuki, If you can fix this, I would appreciate it, thanks in advance



Good morning eroscard, thanks for the request.
I looked into this add-on before, but didnā€™t know why it was crashing. It is a bit difficult to debug because it crashes without an error report.
But this add-on looks useful, so Iā€™ll look into it again later.


Shigeyuki, I tried to change it, but I couldnā€™t, so I made a similar addon, but I couldnā€™t make the sidebar part colored, just the browser background.

Anyway, I made an addon that changes the background color of the browser, but not the sidebar, if you can, take a look, maybe it will help, the code isnā€™t that big

Another problem with this code is the font size within the classify field, which doesnā€™t change, I donā€™t know why


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see the addon code with just the colored part of the browser that I came close to, but here it puts the background of all the Anki screens, the main one, the editor one too, but I just wanted the colored browser sidebar

from aqt import gui_hooks
from aqt.browser import Browser
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QMenu, QColorDialog, QApplication
from PyQt6.QtGui import QPalette, QColor
from aqt import mw

def set_background_color(color):
    palette = QPalette()
    palette.setColor(QPalette.ColorRole.Window, color)

def save_background_color(color):
    mw.col.conf['background_color'] = color.name()

def load_background_color():
    if 'background_color' in mw.col.conf:
        color = QColor(mw.col.conf['background_color'])

def choose_color():
    color = QColorDialog.getColor()
    if color.isValid():

def add_color_menu(browser: Browser):
    menu_bar = browser.menuBar()
    menu = menu_bar.addMenu("Cores")
    menu.addAction("Escolher cor", choose_color)

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Wow, are you a developer?
Iā€™ll look into it later but Iā€™m still busy, if you ask that on this AnkiForums, other developers might be able to tell you.

no, but I know something about programming logic and I learned by tinkering.
The addons I made were thanks to the help of chatgpts


Hmmm, developing new features is a bit difficult.
Basically I repair abandoned and broken add-ons, so I do not advise or repair add-ons for developers. (I am not an advanced programmer.)

Can you add the feature ā€œLeech Toolkit (kar branch)ā€ adds? Itā€™s the only part of it that clearly works (and helps me to interpret ā€œSee Previous Card Ratings in Reviewer :see_no_evil:ā€), and I am not sure your version works any better than that one (except for not showing an error message).
The kar branch also showed a tooltip about reducing the leech count, and added a tag when un-leeching, but I have never paid much attention to that, because it never added the custom leech tag.

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Also fixing the Lifedrain addon would be nice. I cant seem to replenish the life bar with the click of a button.

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