How works the max card numbers for a main deck?

Hi all,
I created a structure as follows:
maindeck (with a lot of cards, but all deactivated/turned off)
maindeck::subdeck1 (some cards)
maindeck::subdeck2 (some cards)
maindeck::subdeck3 (some cards)
The maindeck has the option: 12 reviews per a day, the subdecks only 1 review per a day. I created this structure, as I want to learn exact 1 card the day from each of the different learning topics. (In the old days, where I worked without subdecks, I had a lot of cards from the same topic and other, older topics were hidden for weeks…

My current problem. E.g. I learn the deck: maindeck. I expect that all subtopics are shown with exact one card. If the reviews of all subdecks is fullfilled, I expect, that the maindeck says: Today leraning fulfilled, no more cards available. But, after finalising e.g. a card of maindeck::subdeck2 the next card of maindeck::subdeck2 has been displayed in Anki.

Why this? Has this been happened, because the maindeck has 12 reviews, and if the subdecks are finished, Anki looks for another cards to fulfill the number “12”?
Currently I don´t understand the routine, Anki is working.

After reading a couple of times your post it’s not clear to me if you’re speaking about New Cards/Day of Maximum Reviews/Day.

Also, are you using schedulier v3?

I speak about the maximum reviews per day.
However, the new cards per day I have also set to 1 off, as normally I have a pool of existing cards and sometimes some new ones will be added.
Background info: I use Anki for practising organ improvisation. I have there a pool of different exercises which I want regularly to repeat. After some lessons with my teacher or trainings I create some new learning cards. Sometimes I remove old cards when I have memorized their content.

What is schedulier v3? Never heard about that …

I have there a pool of different exercises which I want regularly to repeat

Tag all the cards you want to regularly repeat and put them into a filtered deck, go through them to your hearts content.

As soon as you are done with a card and dont want to keep repeating it simply untag it instead of deleting it. Its a shame for all the work you put into making those cards!

You can easily edit tags with this extension (look at the thread as well!):

Also ill just quote myself from another post:

So yeah, keep that in mind ;‍)

No fear! :wink: With “removing” or “deleting” I mean rather “deactivating”. I don´t delete cards permanently.
Hhhmm, I don´t understand, how the filtered deck works. I read also the German version “Auswahlstapel”, but I don´t see any advantage for me, resp. don´t understand, the idea behind it. I don´t want to learn a specific topic, I want regularly learn small “drops” from a big area - “Constant dripping wears away the stone”.
However, I create specific tag names at the time, when I create a card.

Im relieved haha

I personally find it quite handy because it lets me study specific types of letters in Japanese


This allows me to fit in some more practice if I have nothing better to do. Its also a good way to show off my skills (and Anki!) to friends ;‍)

You’ll need to switch to the v3 scheduler to set limits for each subdeck.

Here a pic, how it looks like.

@dae I activated v3 scheduler on my desk top version. What shall I do next? Can´t find any difference on the layout, so that I can set limits…?!
On the Iphone I did not find a possibility to activate v3 scheduler. Is the desk top one sufficient?

@Nici What do you want to show me on your pic? You created a new note type “Japanese”? Is “Hiragana” a substructure to that note type?

Sorry, I´m a little bit lost in space …

With v3 enabled, the decks that have a limit of 1 card will only show 1 card.

What do you want to show me on your pic?

I was hoping to make the purpose of filtered decks a bit more clear to you. Looks like i failed :sweat_smile:

It basically just lets you study more after you’re done with your daily cards, on top of that you can study more specific things like in my case “hiragana” by filtering for just that notetype. I think you might be able to use that as well.
Check out the wiki, its really well written and explains everything better than i could.

But yeah what @dae replied probably matches more with what youre looking for :slight_smile:

@dae the manual says “As of Anki 2.1.45 and AnkiMobile 2.0.75, the scheduler can be enabled and disabled in the Preferences screen.”
Now I have AnkiMobile 2.0.80 on the mobile phone, but in the Preferences I can´t see anything, what looks like a scheduler resp. v3_scheduler. Can´t find it!! :sneezing_face:


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Thanks @dae .
(On my phone (in German): Einstellungen > Neu planen > v3 scheduler (beta))
It´s a switch, which I shifted to “on”. Do I need to adjust more things or should now my “one-card-learning- for-each-topic” work?

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Provided that’s on and the review limit of each deck has been set appropriately, it should show the requested number of cards. Note that learning cards due in less than a day are not subject to the limit.

So, I moved the switch of the v3-scheduler on my Laptop (where I enter new Anki cards) and on the I-Pad (where I learn the cards every day).
However, I do not see any difference now and in the way before … :relieved:

Here a snapshot prior the learning. My goal is, that
a) I chose only the parent deck (and not each of the child decks)
b) Anki starts to ask me exactly one card for each of the child decks (7off)
c) the remaining 5 cards can be used from the parent deck (or I stop the learning in the case I don´t have enough time)

After ~50 minutes leraning and practising I got this result:
12 cards has been processed.
The order has been taken from the parent deck, starting with the oldest one.
From the seven child decks only 3 decks have been processed, 4 were untouched :cry:
This means 9 cards has been taken from the parent deck (which has not Prio 1 in my point of view)

Maybe I have to constrain more the way, as I want Anki shall present me the desired cards?!
Is v3-scheduler the right tool for that, what I want?
Is the “filtered deck” the better way?
However, the last days I learnt directly from each of the child tree, but then I don´t need to create a tree structure (parent deck / child deck).
Also one thing will happen by me, the child decks will have different numbers of “old” cards. Regardless of how many cards Anki will show me to catch up, I want only to see the latest card per child deck.
Maybe, you have some hints for me?!?

If you want to guarantee a specific amount from each deck, you will need to set the review order to be based on deck, and put the overflow cards in the lowest subdeck, not inside the top deck.

“review order” … “lowest subdeck” …?!
How works the order within Akni? Is it aphabetical? Can the order adjusted somewhere in the options? What means “lowest” on the subdeck term?

In the meantime I learnt with Anki my daily exercises, especially with v3_scheduler.
One think I don´t understand anymore: If I chose v3_scheduler, only existing (old) cards are shown.
In the options for each subdeck I´ve chosen: 1 old card and 1 new card. The new cards are ingnored by v3_scheduler. They are shown to me when I deactivate v3_scheduler. Why?
Can I work with v3_scheduler and at the same time Anki is showing me new cards?