How to tell if card suspended

i am trying to use anking to study for step but i cant tell if a card is unsuspended or not. it doesnt tell me through parentheses or color like the other versions. Does anyone know how to see if a card is unsuspended on 24.11 version?

It’s the same as in earlier versions – highlighted in yellow(ish), parentheses around the due date/New #.

If you’re seeing something different than that – make sure you’re in Cards mode, and not Notes mode.

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That fixed it thank you! I also was wondering if you know why when i unsuspend the card it shows on browse that it is unsuspended but the number of cards in my deck stays fixed. Thank you!!

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The “number of cards in your deck” where?

When you see the total number of cards in the deck. I will go and unsuspend the card and then it will show no parentheses but then instead of going up to 66 it stay as 65

That isn’t the total number of cards in the deck. The counters on the main Decks page show you how many cards are due right now, or how many cards you’ll be shown before you reach your daily limit. Studying - Anki Manual

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For other users, if you have some addon with adds colours (via flags) to your cards such as this addon, the buried and suspended colours will not be shown as the flag colours override these colours. The other stuff mentioned is what you can identify buried and suspended cards. In case of filtered decks, both buried and suspended will show ((filtered)) in the due column, you can differentiate them by using search queries (is:suspended and is:buried).
P.S. : That addon is really wonderful if for some reason you don’t have enough flags or you wish to create your own colours for flags.


thank you! is there a way that i can make it so that it is the cards that i unsuspend vs one i have due ?