MY Screen Does NOT look like this, am able to export to web site , but not EMAIL or share with a friend.Pls advise
Please read this:
Are you using the desktop version? If so, you can export the deck (with or without scheduling details) and then email the file to your friend. If you email it, they will be able to download and import the file. Note that when you email it, they cannot simply click on the file and have it open, they must open their anki app and import the deck as you normally would. I suggest exporting as a .apkg not .colapkg
Clearly it’s time to pursue registering Anki as a trademark owned by Damien in order to put a stop to just this kind of nonsense. The Software Freedom Law Center might be able to help with the process. (Services - Software Freedom Law Center)
Hi. Thank you everyone for sharing. I did read about the Anki information. Now established that I the correct one. I still can’t share. I’m on a Mac desktop , I exported file and Dave to desktop, then emailed files to friend . When they click on it does nothing. When they o own Anki to import and still doesn’t work. My Anki is up to date. However it still looks nothing as the picture that I have posted. So , am really lost on what is going on. Also when I export to Anki web net to share file there it says it takes 24 hours. Is this correct? Thank you for the feedback.
Here are some instructions. I’m on Windows, so your Mac interface might look slightly different.
- In the main window, go to the pull-down menus and click on File → Export… The Export window will appear.
- For Export format, choose Anki Deck Package (.apkg). Choose which decks you wish to export using the Include drop-down.
- Click the Export… button. Then choose where to save the exported package.
Now send the exported file to your friend. They can import it using File → Import… in the main window’s pull-down menus. See first screenshot above.
Do you want to try sending me the exported file? I might be able to help figure out the problem if I have the file. My email is
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