Hi, so I have about 1500 words in Anki like “abate”, “abject”… to learn.
Recently I have prioritized about 300 words that I need to learn first from the 1500 words (I have made an Excel file to record).
My question is how I can configure Anki to put all the prioritised 300 words to appear first in the 1500 words set?
Much thanks for your help.
PS: I’m thinking of re-import the 300 words with a new tag like “prioritised”, then create a subdeck with the tag to learn…
The easiest way to prioritize those cards is to suspend all of the other cards. When you start to run out of New cards, you can think about unsuspending another batch.
Next down the list would be to use Reposition to put those 300 cards at the “front” of your New-queue. That will usually mean starting at 0, if you’re using a “Deck” or “Ascending” New card gather order.
Since it sounds like you’ve already got that spreadsheet ready to go, tagging them is a great way to “communicate” the list into Anki. You could subdeck them after that, but if you think you’ll want to move them back at some point, either of the above methods is probably more efficient.
hey thanks.
The “suspend” option means like I need to pick out the 300 words to un-suspend them? Cause my 300 words are already there in my 1500 words list. It’s just I need to find a way to put those 300 words on top of the queue…
That’s exactly what I meant by –
It sounds like you have your 1500 notes created in Anki, but you still have the spreadsheet you imported to create those – and in that spreadsheet, you’ve now selected 300 of them you want to start with?
Yes, you’re right that importing those 300 again, to update their tags this time, is a great way to see which ones they are inside Anki. And then you can do any of the methods described above – suspend/unsuspend, reposition, or subdeck – because you’ll be able to search for them easily by tag.
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