I’m learning a new deck contains mainly easy cards, after several fsrs optimization the scheduler is still underrating me. How to get to the “best” fsrs params quicker?
I have checked Set Due Date but it seemed not be considered as part of learning and won’t affect fsrs.
FSRS optimization should get better the more reviews it has to learn from.
I don’t think there is anything you can do to make it converge faster. Just optimize parameters regularly.
You are right, and it just make me realize the importance of meta-knowledge.
For new deck, Anki know nothing about our pre knowledge about the knowledge in deck, so it has to guess through review history. However in some cases, the learner do have a clear awareness of the deck(high self-efficacy). So it would be better for anki to offer a different preset of initial fsrs params to start from.
After looked into FSRS algorithm, for those who have similar issue, like “how to increase the interval when press the easy button”, i would recommend modify the FSRS params by hand.
In my case, I increase the 4th and 6th param to decrease the initial difficulty and increase initial stability of card (increase the easy interval for new cards), and it worked very well.
I think that most folks would strongly recommend against modifying your parameters manually. You’re not asking for advice about that, and you’re free to do what you want – but I don’t think that’s a suggestion you should make for anyone else.
You don’t always need a new preset – and new parameters – for every deck. But if there are reasons to assign a new deck to a new preset, and you’re determined to manually do something besides the defaults, you could copy your optimized parameters from your main preset group. The ways you study 2 decks will be more alike than they are different, so that would probably be an improvement over the defaults.
As far as I remember, FSRS does not allow your parameters to differ much from defaults until there are a lot of reviews.
If you decide to change them manually, then at least use “Evaluate” to make sure that you have not made it worse.
The simplest solution
If your intervals feel too long, increase desired retention. If your intervals feel too short, decrease desired retention.