I want to know how many notes in the learning and reviewing stage I do have in one of my decks. When I open the “Statistics” section, there is an indication of “no data”:
It seems that I can search for “is:review deck:1212+” to get the notes in the review state, and similarly get the notes in the learning stage using “is:learn deck:1212+”.
Also, I should’ve searched for “1212+” in the “Statistics” section to get the information:
The number you get by adding
Learning + Relearning
in Stats
matches the count of lines returned by the query is:learn deck:1212+
(if the “Separate suspended/buried cards” checkbox is unchecked)
or is:learn -is:buried -is:suspended deck:1212+
(if that checkbox is checked)
The number you get by adding
Young + Mature + Relearning
in Stats
matches the count of lines returned by the query is:review deck:1212+
(if the “Separate suspended/buried cards” checkbox is unchecked)
or is:review -is:buried -is:suspended deck:1212+
(if that checkbox is checked)
So cards in Relearning are found by both is:learn and is:review.
This is documented in Searching - Anki Manual (ankiweb.net), where it says: is:learn is:review = “cards that have lapsed and are awaiting relearning”