I usually do the post here the add-on info so I can upload the add-on. But I do not know the ID yet. Once I do upload the add-on I get the link (basically the ID) and edit the post here. I must say that add-on was already created some time ago and I just updated the description and to try out if it was working with 2.1.28.
But the add-on hasn’t been tested for compatibility in 4 years, since version 2.1.66. (There was a version jump in between, but trust me that 2 is definitely less than 24.)
It’s for the best that you can’t download it, because it is not compatible with your version.
I am at peak load, I will take a look during this weekend. The addon is super simple so I guess it would be a quick fix to cover the newer versions after the naming convention changed.