FSRS Ankidroid and Anki

I notice in the change log for Anki the FSRS code is always being tweaked:

Releases · ankitects/anki (github.com)

Are these changes being implemented together with Ankidroid? Or is Ankidroid always going to be lagging behind in FSRS updates? Wouldn’t it cause scheduling problems?

Also: “Give a hint about optimizing all presets”

Why not update the presets automatically? Everyday, week, or month, etc.

Ankidroid is using the same backend as Anki desktop. Ankidroid could be however and possibly would be, little delayed with updates, as it is maintained with a different team of developers.
Up to date, Anki desktop team tries not to cause conflicts with Ankidroid. When a new option is introduced it has to be turned on manually - so the desktop version with the option disabled by default stays compatible with Ankidroid. Such a situation was with introducing V3 scheduled and FSRS.

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Optimizing the parameters marks all cards as modified, and could lead to data loss if the user’s clients were not fully in sync prior to it happening.


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