Forgetting Cards


I have a very beginner question.

I forgot some words and needed to look them up. Now, when these words come up in Anki, I will know them, as if I hadn’t forgotten them.

What’s the best way to handle this in Anki? If I select the cards in the browser and choose “Forget” in the context menu, leaving “Restore original position” and “Reset repetition and lapse counts” unchecked, is this the same as if I hit “Again”?

No, “Forget” (renamed “Reset” in more recent versions) is not the same as grading your answer Again while you’re studying.

But the thing you’re trying to fix doesn’t need a fix. It’s okay, and expected that you’ll be exposed to vocabulary outside of Anki as well, because Anki will never be your only learning resource. You should study that card the next time it comes up for review, and answer honestly about whether you remember that answer in that moment. Either you do (Good) and Anki will stretch out that card’s interval, but you’ll have had extra exposure to the word, which is helping build your memory. Or you don’t (Again) and Anki will start that card back into relearning.

Thank you for your response!

However, doesn’t quite suit my needs. The issue is that I forgot the word, and while I could solve it now after looking it up, the interval will increase again, which might lead to forgetting it once more due to the long interval.
The card I forgot already has an interval of 1.33 months, and I would like to practice this more often.

Is there a way to manually set a rating of “1” for today?
As a workaround, I modified the due date to today and answered “Again,” but I’m looking for a more sophisticated method.

Thanks again for your help!

Add a note to the card that you want to rate it Again when it comes up for review?

If it’s important to you to do this. That’s the correct way. It gives Anki the most accurate information – you studied the word today and forgot it.

Thank you so much for your help. :slightly_smiling_face:

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