Filtered Deck showing reviews ahead of time


I am trying to prioritize certain cards that I tag from my UWorld incorrects. The way that I am planning on doing this is to tag the cards and create a custom filtered deck to make sure I do these cards first thing in then morning, prior to my main Anking deck reviews.

I have made a custom deck with the following settings but if the card is not new, it automatically makes it a review. I only want to do the card if it is due right now, not at some point in the future. Pics attached of #1 my current decks’ status, #2 settings for my custom deck, #3 what the built custom deck looks like.

Any help would be great. Thanks

So you want to see only new cards? Maybe combine is:due with is:new?

Red and green cards are both due today, if anki shows them for today.
See the following for different card states:

Your search is pulling all of the cards with that tag, regardless of state, and then pulling another 20 unrelated cards that are due. But it sounds like you want just one filter that combines both of those things – tag:X is:due – cards with that tag that are due (or overdue) today.

Since these are cards you’ve already missed, none of them will be New.

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I see thank you so much. I am so close to figuring this out! Lol.
I have the deck built with the following settings now and it is only showing new cards, I created one ‘due’ card and put it into the tagged folder, but it doesn’t show up in the filtered deck now…

Do you want New cards in there? Are those the siblings of the cards you’ve missed already?

After you made that one due card – did you Rebuild your Filtered Deck?

By the way, the easiest way to test your filter is in the search bare of the Browse window. That is the best way to know what you should expect to see in the deck.

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