Filtered Deck Display Order Not Respecting the Parent Deck's Settings


I created a filtered deck called “Anking + Lectures”. I put the filtered deck under my Block 2 deck.

My Block 2 deck’s setting is set to display new cards before any reviews, and I made sure to save the setting to all subdecks. However, my “Anking + Lectures” filtered deck is still showing reviews before new cards.

I am using the V3 scheduler

Could anyone provide insight into why this might be happening?

r/Anki - Filtered Deck Display Order Not Respecting the Parent Deck's Settings

r/Anki - Filtered Deck Display Order Not Respecting the Parent Deck's Settings

r/Anki - Filtered Deck Display Order Not Respecting the Parent Deck's Settings

r/Anki - Filtered Deck Display Order Not Respecting the Parent Deck's Settings