Hello, I wanted to ask a question regarding my anki new/reviews. I have set the settings on anki to be so that I see new after reviews, however when I go back to my cards it mixes the two up again when showing me the cards. I was wondering if there is another setting I need to fix in order to access this? I have the two settings set to show new after review even with the interday learning order. I have looked up different forums and they don’t seem to help my situation. Please let me know how I can proceed. Thank you!
- Make sure your deck’s learning order is set to New before Revised…
- Some versions of Anki have a “New Priority”. Activate it to secure them.
- Make sure there are no active filters that mix up the cards. Go to the “Browse” tab and see if the filter bar is empty.
- Add-ons:
Conflicts: Some add-ons can also mess up review order settings. Disable them to see if the problem persists.
Some add-ons may have their own settings. See the use of the add-ons you use. - Synchronization:
- Conflicts: If you sync your Anki with other devices, make sure the settings are correct on all of them. Synchronization may cause review order issues.
- Insects:
Make sure you are using the latest version of Anki.
- Report to me: If the tips don’t work, continue to respond to me, I will read your messages when available…
Restart Anki:
Create a New Deck: In a new deck, add some cards to see if it will persist
See the manual too: Deck Options - Anki Manual
- Are you setting those Display Options for the deck the cards are actually in? Or for the deck you are clicking on to study?
- Are you sure that it is brand New cards (blue counter) being introduced for the first time that are mixing with your Review cards (green counter)? Or are you trying to control cards in Learn as well (red counter)?
Many of the things you’re suggesting don’t make any sense – some are inaccurate – some simply have nothing to do with the question being asked. If you want to help someone with an issue they are having, please try to be more thoughtful about your response.
Attaching some images that the user sent me directly. @shahkhushali98, as @Danika_Dakika’s question suggests, I suspect you are talking about learning cards here. Intraday learning cards will be shown when due, and are not subject tho new/review order.
My problem is that I would like to see my Reviews BEFORE I begin my new cards. Like shown in the pictures “Dae” graciously shared from what I sent, I have set me anki settings to reflect that from what I believe. I am wondering if there is anything else I need to be doing. I also looked over my anki add-ons to see if there was any conflict there and even deleted one of them that looks the closest to what could be interfering and restarted anki, but still no luck.
Thank you for your response. I believe these settings apply to all my decks, not just one deck. My blue, red, and green cards are all alternating with each other. I am mainly trying to make sure that I finish all the red (reviews) and/or greens before I go learn any new blue cards.
I am not sure if this additional information helps, but I am mainly using filtered decks to study. I see that the main decks do not have this issue. The filtered decks have the same settings as the main deck so I am confused about why it still mixes in the filtered deck.
Yes, that helps quite a bit. Filtered decks don’t have the same settings as the main deck. They rely on their own “Order” – Filtered Decks - Anki Manual .
What’s the search filter you are using for your deck? You might be able to get the ordering you want by splitting it into a Second filter, or by putting your Filtered deck inside a standard deck.
Oh perfect, sorry about adding that info a little late! I create the filtered decks based off a specific flagged color. For example, if I want to add microbiology and pharmacology from 2 separate decks (which I believe have the same settings overall in their respective main decks) into one main deck, I flag them all green, then I create a filtered deck with just green flagged cards. Then the more I want to learn, the more cards I flag green so they can automatically get added to the filtered deck. What settings do you suggest I add in my second filter in the filtered deck?
The 2 ways I can think of to handle this –
- Use the same filter for both, but add
to the first filter, andis:new
to the second filter. Adjust your card-limits for each filter as necessary. - Make your Filtered deck a subdeck of a standard deck, set the Display order options for that standard deck to New after Review, and click the standard deck to study.
Right now it says “flag:3” in the search field. So would I switch it to “flag:3::is:new”? And how will this ensure that I can see the reviews before the new?
For your second option, I thought it was already a subdeck. How can I make sure to put this as a subdeck to the main deck?
Thank you for your time
I’m not a troll… I presented my data and expected some response to my analysis… Anyway, now I’m still improving my English so this leaves me a little confused as time goes by it improves.
Hi, thank you for your response nonetheless. Here is a clarification on what I was looking for.
My problem is that I would like to see my Reviews BEFORE I begin my new cards. Like shown in the pictures “Dae” graciously shared from what I sent, I have set me anki settings to reflect that from what I believe. I have tried some of the things you said, but no luck. I have just mentioned to Danika that this is a filtered deck. How can I make sure I see my review cards before my new cards in a filtered deck?
Use the second filter for new cards. Or put the filtered deck in another deck to use its sorting.
How can I put the filtered deck in another deck but still use it as a separate deck?
No, you want it to look just like a search in the Browse window would. In fact, you should test it there to make sure it gives you what you want.
flag:3 is:new
It doesn’t matter if it is a subdeck to the main deck if you are still clicking directly on the Filtered deck to study. You need to click on the deck that has the sorting options you want – sure, it can be your main deck, or you can make this Filtered deck its own “container” deck for this purpose.
I didn’t call you a troll, so I don’t know where you’re getting that from. I pointed out the issues with your response, so that OP wouldn’t waste time with all those unnecessary steps, and I asked you to be more careful in the future.
Im sorry, I’m still a little confused. How can I make this filtered deck its own “container” deck like you mentioned so that it has the same settings?
The same way you create any deck and move decks under it. Probably the easiest way is to rename it from:
Then you’ll set up NewContainerDeck with the options you want. To study, you’ll rebuild ThisFilteredDeck, but click on NewContainerDeck to start the study session.