Feature Request: Deck Preset Browser

There needs to be a better way to manage and find presets in the preset inventory. Changing a single setting (e.g. learning steps, toggle Reschedule upon Optimising, bury siblings, etc.) for all presets simultaneously is incredibly painful, especially if there are a TON of presets around.


Saw this on GitHub today, kinda related.
This user wanted a list of decks instead of just “used by N decks”


At this moment, as of my knowledge, there is a console command to change learning steps for all presets simultaneously with the help of a console command.

for dconf in mw.col.decks.all_config():
print(f"preset ‘{dconf[‘name’]}’ old steps {dconf[‘new’][‘delays’]}")
dconf[‘new’][‘delays’] = [1, 10]

I wonder if there are more commands for changing other settings.

I just wish there was a built-in way in Anki for this. A functional preset browser with a search bar, and an option for “Apply to All Presets”.

It would be nice if you get this to Dae and the developers on GtiHub.

If you want help, you can create a seperate topic as folks able to answer this might not be interested in this subcategory.

I’m assuming you’ve never been there. If you try to start a issue in Anki’s repo, you’ll see 10 different links all pointing towards this site even for bug reports. Well, unspoken rule is bug reports can still go there but all feature requests come here first.

I do like your idea and think it should come to life in the future. Especially now with FSRS, I’ve ended up with too many presets and it’s hard to keep track of all.

Another thing is we used to have issues surrounding too many decks and those have been now resolved (screens don’t crash, we have display order options). So, I think the meta isn’t very anti-deck nowadays.

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I think that was on Discord – I responded over there with a few currently available methods for getting this information.

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My bad :sweat_smile:

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Forgive my noobishness @Danika_Dakika; but what is this Discord channel? :slight_smile:

Sorry, I hoped the direct link would work even for non-members. You’re welcome to join – it’s this one!
Anki Discord Server

But I’ll add the Discord responses here for easier access –

From Blauelf:

Maybe not exactly as you envisioned, but Enhance main window can show the preset name next to the gear symbol. (The addon is overloaded with information, so I wouldn’t recommend using it long-term with the default settings, but if you just want to check the presets, that’s probably fine)

From me:

I use that add-on with a stripped-down config – so when I enable it, I just get the preset names and nothing else. I fix whatever I need to fix, and then disable again. [It’s possible it could be stripped down even more, but I haven’t bothered testing that. ]

    "book symbol": "{",
    "cap value": null,
    "color empty": "false",
    "color empty descendant": "false",
    "color zero": false,
    "columns": [],
    "default column color": "false",
    "do color empty": false,
    "do color marked": false,
    "dot in numbers": false,
    "end symbol": ";",
    "ended marked background color": "false",
    "given up symbol": "/",
    "hide values of parent decks": false,
    "hide values of parent decks when subdecks are shown": false,
    "marked background color": "false",
    "option": true,
    "pause symbol": "="

I thought of 2 other non-add-on ways, but neither of them will give you as much of an “overview” –

  • Search in the Browse window for preset:Name , sort by the Deck column to be able to scroll quickly through. You can also use something like -preset:Name deck:ParentDeck if you want to look for subdecks that are “missing” from a particular preset.
  • For any card, the Card Info will tell you what Deck and what Preset it is using.
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Hi everyone,

I’ve been looking for ways to manage my Anki decks and presets more efficiently. I was wondering if there was something like a “deck preset browser” (similar to the notetype browser).

I have a variety of decks, including multiple decks, subdecks, shared deck presets, etc., and managing these can get overwhelming. Currently, I open random decks to figure out which presets I need to look for, but this makes me nervous - I worry I might accidentally change something important in those decks.

I’d like to do some maintenance. For example, there are deck presets that aren’t even in use, and I’d like to clean those up. Plus, if I need to adjust a specific value across multiple presets, going one by one feels tedious and time-consuming.

Does anyone know if such a tool exists, or if there’s a workaround to make managing deck presets easier?

Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions! :blush:


I fully relate with your sentiment on this.
The suggestion itself came up before here:

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Something like an “Apply to All Presets” button after making a change would be extremely helpful.