Duplicated cards with directory/fichas duplicadas con el directorio

cada vez que hago una ficha y pongo en el anverso una imagen, esta ficha se duplica automáticamente pero incluye en la imagen el directorio de la misma. No sé cómo evitar que esto ocurra. He añadido las imágenes empleando el “clip” de la barra de herramientas, arrastrando desde la carpeta en la que están guardadas y haciendo una tabla de excel. ¿Dónde puede estar el error? ¿Cómo lo soluciono?

Every time I make a card and put an image on the front, this card is automatically duplicated but includes its directory in the image. I don’t know how to prevent this from happening. I have added the images using the “clip” from the toolbar, dragging from the folder in which they are saved and making an excel table. Where can be the error? How do I solve it?
Thank you

Please attach screenshot(s) of what you are seeing.

Thanks, but at last I solved the problem erased my profile and I never did screenshots of the problem (sorry). For my luck, I only had test decks.
Next time I have a problem with Anki, I’ll post screenshots. Thank you for trying to help me and sorry for the inconvenience.

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