Due Cards Showing Up On Different Devices

Hello, I’m using Anki on my Windows laptop at work and my Mac when I get home. I’ve noticed that I’ll finish all of my reviews at work, but when I get home and look at my Macbook, it says that I still have Due cards to complete. I close out of Anki before I leave work, and make sure it syncs every time. My Mac is also always turned off and if I do need to do Anki on it, I make sure it syncs before closing out of everything.

I’m not sure what to do at this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  1. Do you make sure to sync when you open the app as well, on both devices (not just when you close the app)?

  2. When you find this mismatch, have you checked AnkiWeb (or your mobile app) to see which one it agrees with?

  3. When you find this mismatch, is it a few cards, or nearly all of your cards?

  4. When you find this mismatch, are you able to do a full round of syncing (first Mac, then Windows, then Mac again – or vice versa) to see if that fixes it? I’m guessing possibly not, if the devices are never in the same place.

  5. What Anki versions are you using on each device? I’m wondering specifically about older version that might still use the v2 scheduler.

  6. Do you have any add-ons that do re/scheduling actions on sync?

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I’ve tried everything that you covered up until point 6. I never checked if my add-ons would be the problem. I’m using the “True Retention” add-on on my Mac but not on my Windows and I think thats what is giving me issues, so I removed it. I took my Mac to work and opened up Anki on both my Mac and Windows and they’re reading the same Due Cards. Hopefully, that fixed it! Thanks!

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