Hi everyone!
I recently started the AnKing deck for medical school and am confused as to why I don’t have any review cards two days after starting. My learning steps are 10m 1d 3d and I have selected “good” associated with “1d” numerous times over the past two days and yet my “due” cards have been 0 both yesterday and today. I do have quite a few learning cards, however. Other settings are as follows:
New cards: 100
Max reviews: 9999
Graduating/easy interval: 15/60
Relearning steps/minimum interval/leech threshold: 10m/1/8
New/review order: show before reviews
Review sort order: due date, then random
When I checked my heat map yesterday, it showed around 50 due cards for today, but when I opened it today there were 0 due cards listed on for the deck on the main menu. Additionally, when I check “due” under “today” in browse it shows the 50 cards, but it isn’t giving me them. Thank you in advance for any help!