Due Cards Not Showing Up Despite Being Scheduled

Hi everyone!

I recently started the AnKing deck for medical school and am confused as to why I don’t have any review cards two days after starting. My learning steps are 10m 1d 3d and I have selected “good” associated with “1d” numerous times over the past two days and yet my “due” cards have been 0 both yesterday and today. I do have quite a few learning cards, however. Other settings are as follows:

New cards: 100

Max reviews: 9999

Graduating/easy interval: 15/60

Relearning steps/minimum interval/leech threshold: 10m/1/8

New/review order: show before reviews

Review sort order: due date, then random

When I checked my heat map yesterday, it showed around 50 due cards for today, but when I opened it today there were 0 due cards listed on for the deck on the main menu. Additionally, when I check “due” under “today” in browse it shows the 50 cards, but it isn’t giving me them. Thank you in advance for any help!

You only appear to have about 20 non-new cards in your collection. If you did see 50 due cards previously, that implies you’ve imported a .colpkg file and overwritten your progress.

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