Chess Opening Trainer (new add-on)

The Chess Opening Trainer add-on is now available for download.

It turns a chess game collection in PGN (Portable Game Notation) format into a deck of Anki cards. All moves for one side in the PGN file will become “questions”, all moves of the respective other side will become correct “answers”. Nested game trees (variations) are supported. This will allow you to study individual chess openings or an opening repertoire with flash cards.

The add-on will also create board diagrams for all positions and it supports comments, annotations, and arrows and circles for graphical enhancement.

More information is available on the add-on’s GitHub and in an English blog post or its German counterpart.


I have released an update to the add-on, see its add-on page. The update removes a serious limitation of the extension. You can now have multiple decks per colour which allows a much more flexible structure for your opening repertoire(s).

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Suggestion: Putting the fixes and additions together might just remove additional clutter from description. Those sub-sub-headings in changelog aren’t that important in my opinion.

I hear you. I was trying to follow Keep a Changelog but you are right. It produces lots of clutter. I will change that.

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