Change due date of cards away from a specific date or day of the week

Hello there,

is there a way I can “blacklist” certain dates in the future for due cards or change the schedulung in a way that gets me “a day off” by scheduling them a day earlier or later?

I want to keep one day of the week to myself and not bother with reviews there. Therefore i would like to configure anki in a way that makes it possible to get all due cards of saturday to show on a friday or sunday. Is there a way to do this without messing with the long term scheduling of cards?

Regards, Tim

The next version of Anki will have that option built in. You can download the beta version here: Releases · ankitects/anki · GitHub
After the upgrade, there is a new section in deck options, “Easy Days”, which lets you set days of the week with lower reviews count.

In a current version though –
Yes, probably – with an add-on.

  • If you are using FSRS as your scheduling algorithm – FSRS Helper.
  • If you are using the default SM-2 algorithm – I believe there is an add-on, but someone else is going to have to supply the name, because I am blanking on it right now. :sweat_smile:

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