Change card type of a few cards only

Hey everyone!

I’ve been using Anki on my laptop for a few years now and have run into a problem now. I accidentally added quite a few cards in the wrong card type (the simple front and back, not both ways). Now to study them properly I thought I could simply change the card time, however whenever I follow the tutorials for it, it tells me it’ll change every single card of type (A) to type (B). That really isn’t what I want at all, I just want those selected cards to change. Can anyone help?

Best regards!

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I think you can do what you want from the Browse window: Browsing - Anki Manual

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It sounds like the directions you’re finding might be for editing the note type itself. To change the note type for specific notes – you can select those notes (or any card of those notes) in the Browse window, and use Notes > Change Note TypeBrowsing - Anki Manual. To make it easier to find the ones you want, you can search for just those notes – for instance with added:X for notes you added in the past X days) – Searching - Anki Manual .

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Thank you so much for your detailed reply! I found the way to do exactly that, however, when I tried to change my cards from Basic to Basic with reverse, it doesn’t work :frowning: Is it because the reverse cards are technically two cards and these kinds of changes can’t simply be made by changing the note type maybe? Or is there another trick to make it work?

No, that can’t be why. Those are note types, and that change is always a change of the note type. When you say it doesn’t work – can you say more about what is happening? Are you getting the “Change note type” box? What are you selecting in it? What happens when you click Save?

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