Cards not showing up after set time interval after pressing "again"

I have been using the AnKing MCAT deck for a month now with no issues. Interval for the “again” button for cards that are still in learning is 25m. Typically I would be studying the deck press again if I didn’t get it and while I am still studying in 25m the card would show back up and I would be able to get a second try at it. However since yesterday when I press again the card is not coming back after 25 mins during my studying. I do have new and review siblings buried but I have never had any issue like this previously with the exact same settings. I recently downloaded the app but did not change anything on there either. The only other thing I can maybe think of is I downloaded another deck recently to add some cards from it to the AnKing deck, maybe this caused an issue? But I also have all my decks under the same settings so idk why this would make a difference. I also had my learn ahead limit always set to 0 and never had any problems, I read on another post that maybe to increase that to over 25m but it hasn’t helped. I don’t know where these cards are going and how to get them to show back up again if anyone knows what to do please lmk.

  1. What makes you think the cards aren’t coming back after 25m? Are you still studying 25m later and noticing that particular cards haven’t come back? Are you finishing your session less than 25m and they haven’t come back yet?

  2. Do you have a lot of cards in Learn/Relearn?

  3. Are you studying close to your next-day-start time (4am is the default)?

  4. Please post the Card Info for a card that this is happening to.