Cards are random even if the deck is sequential

I have a deck that I want sequential cards. The cards appear sequentially when I study for the first time. Even if I assign “Good” rating to all the cards in the first learning step, as soon as the cards appear again, some cards appear in random order in the second step.

According to the logic of a sequential deck, cards in sequential configurations should only leave the sequence if the evaluation is no longer the same. For example: “good” for one, “difficult” for another. Then yes, they would go out of order, which is completely normal.

Is this a behavior caused by the Fuzz Factor (in minutes), even in the learning phase?

Is there any configuration I can still do in my deck options to have the cards in sequential order, at least in the learning phase?

My deck options:

Again = 5m
Good = 10m / 1d / 2d / 3d …
Insertion order = Sequential
Display order = Deck; Grouping order; Show after revisions; Show after revisions; Review date, then random;

Note: the parent deck is random and the subdeck with this behavior in my question is sequential.

New Cards

Display Order

That’s not how Anki is meant to work, because it would interere with learning each card on its own. It’s fuzz factor during the Review stage, but there is variation within the learning steps as well. Studying - Anki Manual

[And you didn’t ask about your learning steps, but (1) whoa nelly, is that a lot of learning steps, and (2) there shouldn’t be any reason to follow a longer interval with a shorter interval, so you may want to rethink that.]

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Could you then kindly explain to me what the purpose of the sequential deck would be? Considering that the Fuzz Factor is applied in the learning phase and in the second stage I see the cards randomly.

Yes, I create all my cards in a way that is not dependent on the context of others. But only in this deck would I like them to be sequential. I completely understand that the more time passes and I forget about them, the greater the chances of me clicking on a button other than the “good” one, consequently they would gain a different time and become random. It’s only in this deck and the learning phase that I would like to spend a little more time with them in order.

(2) If you are talking about the “8d” step followed by the last “4d” step:

There is no specific reason for the “4d”, I had a large learning phase of steps that lasted up to 60 days. There were progressive steps of numbers that reached 14d, and “4d” was a parameter I used to let me know that the learning phase was coming to an end. I shortened the learning phase to holding the cards for 30 days, and “4d” just kept it with no new intentions.

I guess! Some folks want their cards to be introduced in the order they created them, or in order of increasing complexity, or in order of vocabulary frequency, or in the order of the material in their textbook, or just in any predictable queue so they can shove certain cards to the front (or back) of it as needed. But after each card is introduced, it has to stand on its own legs and sink or swim based on how well you remember it. Maintaining a strict ordering of the cards after they are introduced would poison that process.

If you want more time with the material in order – that’s often a sign that you haven’t learned it yet. You should try flipping through the cards in Preview (in the Browse window) – maybe even flip through tomorrow’s cards the day before. Then when the time comes for memorization in Anki, you’ll be ready to go. [The Twenty Rules have good advice in that respect.]

Whenever I hear someone say something like that, :cry: I wonder about how much time and energy they must have wasted so far trying to stop Anki from being a spaced repetition system. I hope at some point you find a way to trust that the program knows what it’s doing, so you can reap the benefits of its full potential.

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It just doesn’t make sense in my head that Anki would grant the use of sequential deck setups while applying the “fuzz factor” to the learning stage. It’s counterintuitive. I think that at least in the learning stage there should be no “fuzz factor”.

His comments are very good, thank you very much for the advice. I really trust Anki, I just don’t trust my memory hahaha. I like a more robust learning stage, but I’m going to rethink this and shorten my stages even more thanks to your advice.

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