I wanted to review all flashcards in my deck in sequence that I can decide.
Many times, when learning too many things, If content or information is arranged in logical order then remembering them gets easier.
Lot of Random Information creates confusion.
for example, (I am a medical student)
While learning A levels or learning a new language Random (Weaker to stronger cards) spaced repetition works best (No doubts in Anki’s Methodology)
But to learn Higher Levels with Heavy conceptual Understanding and Integrative Perspective with abundant details, A organized sequence (Not random) gives too much advantage.
[Example 1:] I need terms and definitions to be asked first and then higher concepts. It would get hard if Anki asks me higher concepts at first itself.
[Example 2:] I wished Anki to ask me first the list of all muscles in arm
and then ask me about each muscle in order (sequence) as they are in our human body. then remembering really gets easier.
I have been Emphasizing Importance of sequence in remembering concepts
So if my exams are near, I wanted to can choose a deck and revise ALL of my cards in sequence (order)
I could not find any way to do this in Anki If there is already a way (direct) (or Indirect) please let me Know?
If not This is a Suggestion to include as a ADD On or new feature.