So I came back to Anki after much time away. I did some reviews on my tablet and suddenly one card type was broken, giving me a message saying something on the back couldn’t be displayed. After getting a new install of Anki fixed up on my new laptop, I looked at the card, and sure enough, there was a space in a statement referencing a field. Deleting the space suddenly made the preview show up again, and everything looked perfect. But when trying to save, Anki simply tells me “Card template 1 in notetype [whatever] has a problem. See the preview for more information.” But of course the preview doesn’t have any new information, because it looks just fine. I’ve tried deleting the reference to that field outright, tried deleting all kinds of other stuff, changing formats, etc., but Anki flatly refuses to save the card.
I’ll include the actual code here in case there’s something someone notices. I didn’t create the deck, and it worked fine for years on previous versions of Anki. “{{furigana: Context_jp}}” was the original problem, as it didn’t like having a space there, and simply removing the space makes the preview show up correctly.
<div style="font-size: small;">{{Deck}} - {{Card}}</div>
{{Vocab}} - {{Audio}}
<hr id=answer>
<div class="wkbackside">
{{Reading}} - {{Vocab_Meaning}}
{{#Speech_Type}}<span class="text"><u><b>Type:</b></u> {{Speech_Type}}</span><br>{{/Speech_Type}}
{{#Meaning_Exp}}<u><span class="text"><b>Meaning Explanation</b></span></u><br><span class="text"> {{Meaning_Exp}}</span>
{{#Context_jp}}<u><span class="text"><b>Context Example</b></span></u><br><span class="text">
{{furigana:Context_jp}}{{Context_jp}}</span><span class="text">({{Context_en}})</span>{{/Context_jp}}
Any help greatly appreciated!