Hey, ever since updating to the latest version, the hotkey for “forget” which was ctrl+alt+r , is no longer available. I literally used this function multiple times an hour, daily!
Where did it go? Why was it changed? Can we please get this function back. Now the only way to forget a card is to right click it and manually click the forget option.
Would you mind elaborating on your workflow? If you just want to study those cards again, you may find using ‘set due date’ with a 0 day delay to be handier.
Hey so i’m in medical school and i do upwards of 500-800 anki cards daily. I also make cards for any incorrect questions + answers that i get on practice exams + question banks. Whenever i get a question wrong and i’ve already had the information pertaining to that question unlocked, i use the “forget” option so that it can refresh and it’s like a brand new card again.
Im sure most, if not all medical students that use anki to make cards for their incorrects use this function, well used to.
Forgetting the card would push it to the back of the new card queue - all other waiting new cards would take precedence. Is that what you are wanting? Set due date would be a better choice if you want to study the card immediately, as it will be included in the day’s reviews.