I love ANKI and have been using it for years. I have several custom decks created for my own use. But now my 2 kids want me to create custom decks for them. They both want their own copy of the same deck (identical cards) each under their own Profile.
What I want to do is create a master custom deck under my own Profile, and have a Mirror Deck (same name) in each of the kids Profiles. Each deck all would have identical cards. Every time I add a new/revised cards in the Master Deck, the same change is made to both Mirror Decks.
What I don’t want to do is export a copy of the whole deck to Kid#1, and then repeat the process for Kid#2 every time I add a new card. But I still want all the tracking features kept separate for each Profile so that the kids can study at their own pace.
Alternatively, is there an easy way to Copy/Paste a completed card into a deck under a different Profile?
Many thanks to the Forum for suggestions!