Bug Report: Deck Selection Mismatch in Anki Browse Screen

Anki Version: 24.06.3

I encountered a bug on the “Browse” screen. When I select a deck in the left sidebar and then attempt to add a note (either by pressing CTRL+E or using the context menu), the selected deck in the “Add” window does not match the deck I had selected in the “Browse” window.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open the “Browse” screen.
  2. Select a deck from the left sidebar.
  3. Attempt to add a new note using either CTRL+E or the context menu.
  4. Observe that the deck selected in the “Add” window differs from the deck selected in the “Browse” window.

Expected Behavior:
The deck selected in the “Add” window should be the same as the one chosen in the “Browse” window.

Actual Behavior:
The deck selected in the “Add” window is different from the one selected in the “Browse” window.

This follows your “Default deck” setting. It sounds like you want “When adding, default to current deck.” Then you need to choose your “current deck” by selecting it on the main screen (not the Browse window). Preferences - Anki Manual

@cfgnunes, there’s already a pull request for that! A community member has submitted it in GitHub. If all goes well in the code, we might have this solved next version, cheers!

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Hi, @sorata ! Thanks for the feedback! I’m looking forward to seeing this feature in newer versions of Anki!

I’ve reviewed the code in GitHub.

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