The app does not reload the window to display due cards which have to be reviewed after pressing „again“ and waiting the appropriate time.
It just stays in the „wait x minutes“-view. Same thing in the deck overview window.
Anki iOS 24.08
The app does not reload the window to display due cards which have to be reviewed after pressing „again“ and waiting the appropriate time.
It just stays in the „wait x minutes“-view. Same thing in the deck overview window.
Anki iOS 24.08
Yes, I believe that’s expected behavior. The “Congratulations” screen doesn’t automatically refresh.
It’s not actually supposed to be like that It looks like it broke in 24.06. I’ve logged the issue on Congrats screen does not refresh every minute · Issue #3584 · ankitects/anki · GitHub
Thank you for the reply and the attention to these little details!