App deleted and after reinstalling no more inages

Hi there,

I wonder if you can help me please. I have an exam next week and all of my inages now have this sign on every image. I would really appreciate some help. Thank you <img src="myimage.jpg">

If you deleted the AnkiMobile app, that also deleted your collection from that device. Now it needs to re-download everything from AnkiWeb. Media files may take time to sync - Anki FAQs

Hi there. Thank you for responding. I have done this and the same issue is still showing. Any ideas please?

What is the “this” that you’ve done? What things have you tried and checked? Cloud Sync - AnkiMobile Manual

  • Did you check the status of the media sync? Was it complete?
  • Did you run Check Media on both devices? Do they show the same result?

“This” is what you’ve suggested in your previous message. above. On the desktop more images are showing on my mobile one are showing.


Did you run Check Media on both devices? They should each tell you a number of missing and unused files.

Then, keep syncing. After each sync, run Check Media again to see if there’s a change in the number of missing files on AnkiMobile. You’ll need to repeat the syncing until you get the same result on both devices.

You have almost 3 GB of media in your account, so it might take several tries. If you want to speed things up – on your desktop, if you have a lot of unused files, you can use Check Media to delete them, and then sync that change to AnkiWeb. That will save AnkiMobile the trouble of downloading files that you don’t need anyway.

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Yes I have checked media on both devices.

… and what did you find out?

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This still shows now even though I have tried to rest media. The number of images doesn’t change. I have an exam next week and I’m really panicking tbh as nothing is helping? I’d be grateful for any other help. Thank you. Because I’m unable to do lots of cards and it’s really affecting me revision. I’m doing my medical school exams and o my use Anki to revise. This has happened before and a gentleman gave me help. But it’s not seeming to work. It was In my previous messages.

It looks like you already solved this, but the suggestions you’ve gotten before on your prior posts about the same issue are still the best ways of dealing with this – checking that the media sync is making progress, continuing to sync, changing your network timeout, one-time manual transfer of your collection to your phone, etc.