Anki Sound not working on both Mac and IOS

Hi. I have been using Anki for two years on both my Mac book and IOS, however, the sound has never worked. It does not work at all on my phone while it partially works on my mac book (I can record myself saying something, but it never saves the recording to the card). I restarted and uninstalled both while also checking the settings but nothing came up. I would appreciate any help given because being able to hear my cards would be super helpful! Thank you!

Walk us through your workflow please. If you e.g. add a recording to your note but your cards are not adapted to play the audio, nothing happens.

  1. When you say it doesn’t work – what does that mean? Is there a play button displayed on your card when you study, but it doesn’t do anything when you click it? Or is there no play button on your card?

  2. Are all of your audio files made from self-recording in Anki’s add/edit note screen? Or do you also have outside files that you attach?

  3. When you say that the self-recording doesn’t save to the card – do you mean that the audio is not being attached to your note? Or is it attached to your note, but then doesn’t play on your card?

Hey Danika. Thank you for your answer. I do not have a play button or anything related to one other then when it gives me the option to self record or replay my recording. If I click self record and record it, it will play the clip once and then play it again whenever I click replay self recording. It does not mention note or card and never saves a recording. It will always replay my last recording whenever I use the action to repay it, but never on earlier ones. It does not attach the recording to a card. I hope this helps.

For some reason I think the problem is, is that I do not have a button to play an audio recording on my cards. I have the ability to record my own voice but it does not attach itself to a card. I hope this helps.

^^^^Hey Danika. Thank you for your answer. I do not have a play button or anything related to one other then when it gives me the option to self record or replay my recording. If I click self record and record it, it will play the clip once and then play it again whenever I click replay self recording. It does not mention note or card and never saves a recording. It will always replay my last recording whenever I use the action to repay it, but never on earlier ones. It does not attach the recording to a card. I hope this helps.

This sounds like you’re talking about the feature during a study session to record/replay your answer to the card. Does that sound right? If that’s the only way you’ve been adding audio, then that’s the issue. It only makes a temporary recording, so you wouldn’t be able to play that again later. Studying - Anki Manual

  • Record Own Voice: Record from your microphone for the purposes of checking your pronunciation. This recording is temporary and will go away when you move to the next card. If you want to add audio to a card permanently, you can do that in the edit window.
  • Replay Own Voice: Replay the previous recording of your voice (presumably after showing the answer).

There’s a different feature in the Browse window / add/edit note screen that allows you to record audio to be saved with a note – Adding/Editing - Anki Manual . If you want to use that (or if you want to attach audio clips from other sources), I’d recommend adding a separate field to your note type to hold that audio tag. And then you’ll need to update your card templates to show you a play button. Let us know if you’d like more detail about that.

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Ahh ok thank you. I am a little stupid I guess. I somehow did not see that. :sweat_smile:

It happens to everyone at some point! But someone who is smart enough to ask for help is not stupid.

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