Anki shows cards that are intentionally empty. That is, there is no information to be tested on (because the card doesn’t apply to the information).
(Back Template code at the bottom of post)
Context: I am learning Arabic vocabulary and want to have a card type to learn the verbal noun. The problem is that I’m being tested for the verbal noun for regular nouns.
(Verb: swim, verbal noun: swimming.
Noun: bear, verbal noun: blank/DNE)
I would love advice on how to stop Anki from testing me on cards that don’t have data.
Thank you so much for your time and help!
FYI, I used chatGPT for this code, hoping it would be a quick fix. I don’t know how to code.
Back Template code:
{{#MuSdar Levantine}}
<hr id=answer>
<div class="answer-box">
<div class="answer-box">{{English}}</div>
<div class="title">:مصدار</div>
<div class="answer-box-Fusħa">ال{{MuSdar}}</div>
{{#MuSdar Levantine}}
<div class="title">:مصدار</div>
<div class="answer-box-levantine">ال{{MuSdar Levantine}}</div>
{{/MuSdar Levantine}}
{{#Fusha MuSdar Sentence}}
<div style='font-family: "Amiri"; font-size: 35px;' id="fusha-musdarsentence">{{Fusha MuSdar Sentence}}</div>
{{/Fusha MuSdar Sentence}}
{{#Fusha Eng MuSdar Sentence}}
<div style='font-family: "Arial"; font-size: 20px;'>{{Fusha Eng MuSdar Sentence}}</div>
{{/Fusha Eng MuSdar Sentence}}
{{#Levantine MuSdar Sentence}}
<div style='font-family: "Amiri"; font-size: 35px; display: none; color: #c23df2;' id="levantine-musdarsentence">{{Levantine MuSdar Sentence}}</div>
{{/Levantine MuSdar Sentence}}
{{#Levantine English MuSdar Sentence}}
<div style='font-family: "Arial"; font-size: 20px; color: #c23df2;'>{{Levantine English MuSdar Sentence}}</div>
{{/Levantine English MuSdar Sentence}}
// Compare Fusha and Levantine Arabic MuSdar Sentences
var fushaMuSdarSentence = document.getElementById("fusha-musdarsentence");
var levantineMuSdarSentence = document.getElementById("levantine-musdarsentence");
if (fushaMuSdarSentence && levantineMuSdarSentence && fushaMuSdarSentence.innerText.trim() !== levantineMuSdarSentence.innerText.trim()) { = "block";
{{/MuSdar Levantine}}