Anki 2.1.28 Beta

5 posts were split to a new topic: Persian half-space character

Beta 4 is now available. This is nearing a stable release, so if you’ve noticed any issues that would block a release, please let me know soon.

A summary of changes in 2.1.28 is now available on the changes page:

I have been trying out new functionalities listed in the changelog. The negative conditional card creation is not working for me. Using {{^FieldName}}...{{/FieldName}}. Everything else is working, (haven’t check clozes up to 499 though).

To work, shouldn’t it be {{^FieldName}}...{{/FieldName}}?

Works for me with a modified optional reverse type.

That was a typo here.

I noticed the negative creation works fine if it is not in the first (or only) cardtype as the example you provided. If I edit the first cardtype to add a negative conditional it does not work retroactively.

“When adding/importing, if a normal note doesn’t generate any cards, Anki will now add a blank card 1 instead of refusing to add the note.”

Are those cards the ones which appear in red when running Empty cards...?

Yes, red indicates there are no non-empty cards.

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Beta 5 is now available. If no important issues are found in the next few days, it will be released as stable without further changes.

First of all, thank you to all contrubutors who made 2.1.28 possible. This version is a long jump and introduces a feature I requested years ago.

Ctrl/cmd+number selects decks/note types in list (thanks to Alexander).

I did not understand where you can do that. I tried several things unsuccesfully.

Downgrade&quit string at profile manager window is not translated. I checked in Pontoon and I don’t find the string anywhere. Perhaps is not there?

Just a request for kind of niche use: Hourly Breakdown Graph could have the options 1 month 3 month 12 month and all as other graphs do. That can be useful for people who follow free-run sleep pattern.

Will the shedv2 still be considered beta?

Not strictly related to the beta built, in the the Answer Button Graph, how is tackled the fact that some reviews could have been done with sched v1 and other with sched v2 for new card stats? I mean button 4 did not existed in sched v1 for new cards. The overall is that good and easy ratings would not be reflected as 3 and 4 in the stats across all the review history. I hope I am clear enough of the idea I try to convey. Btw, I have been using schedv2 since it came out.


In line with @guillempalausalva I would ask that the “Answer Buttons” graph also shows the options 1 month 3 month 12 month and all as other graphs do, and even possibly 1 week. Particularly, I think the retention rate (% correct) a very important stat, and as the upper filter only allows last 12 monthsand all history, I cannot find my retention rate of shorter periods, such as the week, month, etc.

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this would be cool.

At least in the new search feature in the stats you can always filter rated:7 if browsing the whole collection, or manually adding the deck filter deck:deckname rated:7 for any given deck. Indeed what you proose should be the intended “default” way.

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Thanks for the tip! I haven’t realized I could do that. Anyway, if it would be cool if it was possible by default.

@dae , I’m having problems using the “Answer Buttons” stats filtering by “rated”. Using “rated:1”, even thou the status overture says “Studied ⁨⁨563⁩ cards⁩ ⁨in ⁨4.02⁩ hours⁩ today”, if I sum the total cards for learning, young and mature, it’s up to 2.222 cards, instead of the real 563 rated today.

The “correct percentage” is not right also. Exporting the DB and analyzing it, I can see that I only failed 7 of 208 mature cards today (96% correct), but the graph is showing only 91% correct (287/315).

Whatever the period I chose in the “rated” filter, the numbers are messed, the % correct always very below the real number. When I don’t filter, the numbers are ok (but they only may refer to last 12 months or all history).

Beta 6 is now available. If no important issues are found in the next few days, it will be released as stable without further changes.

For example, in the add screen, clicking on the note type button, then pressing the shortcut.

Still waiting for AnkiDroid to support the new timezone code.

When enabling the v2 scheduler, it automatically changes button 3 answers in learning to button 4, and vice versa.

This won’t work - the search determines which cards are matched, and any matched cards have any history up to the limit at the top included.



I see. It’s not exactly the same, although that might be still useful, for instance is:due stats as well. At least at point of view of consistent and high review count collections.

Tried new things succesfully. I think some parts of the Manual will need updating to cover new additions or changes. I may try to suggest some changes.

I just downloaded Beta 6.
AltGr doesn’t work when I try to type characters such as [] directly in the card fields (using spanish layout).
However, AltGr works when I edit the card fields directly with the combo Ctrl + Shift + X.
AltGr also works when I try to type these characters in the search field.

I don’t know why these input fields show different behaviour. Please fix the issue before stable release, otherwise I’ll stay back in 2.1.24.

I reproduced that with a Spanish keyboard. There is a pretty quick fix for that. Please see AltGr shortcuts - #12 by dae.

the following environmental variable before starting Anki:


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