Almost constant "check database and full sync" error

I am on v52 Qt5. This started occurring after I added a few more decks to my already large list of decks. Now whenever I sync, it’s almost always “Please use the check database function, then sync again. If problems persist, please force a full sync”. It doesn’t go away after check database and I have to do a full sync.

This occurs on both my laptops but not on Ankidroid.

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After checking the database, you should sync and choose “Upload”, then sync your other devices and choose “Download”.

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I cannot select “upload” if I’m trying to sync a laptop with Ankiweb, when Ankiweb has the most recent synced version.

You may have to force a full upload manually after checking the database:

If you wish to force a full upload or download (for example, because you accidentally deleted a deck on one side and want to restore the deck rather than having its deletion synchronized), you can check the “On next sync, force changes in one direction” box in Tools>Preferences>Network, then sync as usual. (You’ll be given the option to choose which side you want to use.)

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I don’t think we’re addressing the core problem here. I know that I have to do a full sync after checking the database, because I have no other option - Anki is forcing me to do that. The question is, why is it forcing me to do that all the time from all my devices?

I cannot select “upload” if I’m trying to sync a laptop with Ankiweb

I know that I have to do a full sync after checking the database, because I have no other option - Anki is forcing me to do that

This seems contradictive to me. If a full sync is required, Upload should always be an option.
The important point, as @dae has said, is to force a Download on all your other devices, after uploading the checked database. Otherwise you will restore the error.

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