Additional Card Fields [Official thread]

AnkiMobile supports the v3 scheduler, so you can access card states with custom scheduling (last setting in Anki Desktop deck options):

let indicator = document.getElementById("easeIndicator");
if (!indicator) {
    indicator = document.createElement("div");
    indicator.setAttribute("id", "easeIndicator");
indicator.innerText = `ease: ${
    states.current.normal?.review?.easeFactor ||
    states.current.filtered? ||
    "not available"}`;

You can style the indicator with #easeIndicator. If you want it to show at the bottom, swap “prepend” for “append”. You could also write the indicator into your template and delete the DOM-manipulation part of the script.

Backside only

The custom scheduling script only executes on the front side, so you’ll need to store it for backside display.

For AnkiMobile and Anki Desktop, you can simply store the ease in globalThis:

globalThis.ease =
    states.current.normal?.review?.easeFactor ||
    states.current.filtered? ||
    "not available";

and add the following to your back template:

<div id="easeIndicator"></div>

   document.getElementById("easeIndicator").innerText = `ease: ${globalThis.ease}`;
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